
Load with (3D) torque vector; attached to rigidbody-based marker.

Additional information for LoadTorqueVector:

  • Requested Marker type = Orientation
  • Short name for Python = Torque
  • Short name for Python visualization object = VTorque

The item LoadTorqueVector with type = ‘TorqueVector’ has the following parameters:

  • name [type = String, default = ‘’]:
    load’s unique name
  • markerNumber [type = MarkerIndex, default = invalid (-1)]:
    marker’s number to which load is applied
  • loadVector [\(\ttau\), type = Vector3D, default = [0.,0.,0.]]:
    vector-valued load [SI:N]; in case of a user function, this vector is ignored
  • bodyFixed [type = Bool, default = False]:
    if bodyFixed is true, the load is defined in body-fixed (local) coordinates, leading to a follower torque; if false: global coordinates are used
  • loadVectorUserFunction [\(\mathrm{UF} \in \Rcal^3\), type = PyFunctionVector3DmbsScalarVector3D, default = 0]:
    A Python function which defines the time-dependent load and replaces loadVector; see description below; see also notes on loadFactor and drawing in LoadForceVector! Example for Python function: def f(mbs, t, loadVector): return [loadVector[0]*np.sin(t*10*2*3.1415),0,0]
  • visualization [type = VLoadTorqueVector]:
    parameters for visualization of item

The item VLoadTorqueVector has the following parameters:

  • show [type = Bool, default = True]:
    set true, if item is shown in visualization and false if it is not shown

DESCRIPTION of LoadTorqueVector


The torque vector acts on a body or node via the local (bodyFixed = True) or global coordinates of a body or at a node. The marker transforms the torque via the according jacobian matrix of the object (or node) to object (or node) coordinates.

Userfunction: loadVectorUserFunction(mbs, t, loadVector)

A user function, which computes the torque vector depending on time and object parameters, which is hereafter applied to object or node.

arguments / return
type or size
provides MainSystem mbs to which load belongs
current time in mbs
\(\ttau\) copied from object; WARNING: this parameter does not work in combination with static computation, as it is changed by the solver over step time
computed torque vector

User function example:

from math import sin, cos, pi
def UFforce(mbs, t, loadVector):
    return [loadVector[0]*sin(t*10*2*pi),0,0]

Relevant Examples and TestModels with weblink:

leggedRobot.py (Examples/), reevingSystem.py (Examples/), sliderCrank3DwithANCFbeltDrive2.py (Examples/), ANCFcontactCircle.py (Examples/), ANCFcontactCircle2.py (Examples/), ANCFslidingJoint2D.py (Examples/), ANCFtestHalfcircle.py (Examples/), ANCFtests2.py (Examples/), flexibleRotor3Dtest.py (Examples/), rigidBodyIMUtest.py (Examples/), rigidRotor3DbasicBehaviour.py (Examples/), rigidRotor3DFWBW.py (Examples/), ANCFbeltDrive.py (TestModels/), ANCFgeneralContactCircle.py (TestModels/), ANCFBeamTest.py (TestModels/)

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