A system of \(n\) ODE1, having a system matrix, a rhs vector, but mostly it will use a user function to describe special ODE1 systems. It is based on NodeGenericODE1 nodes. NOTE that all matrices, vectors, etc. must have the same dimensions \(n\) or \((n \times n)\), or they must be empty \((0 \times 0)\), using [] in Python.
Additional information for ObjectGenericODE1:
- This
has/provides the following types =MultiNoded
- Requested
type: read detailed information of item
The item ObjectGenericODE1 with type = ‘GenericODE1’ has the following parameters:
- name [type = String, default = ‘’]:objects’s unique name
- nodeNumbers [\(\mathbf{n}_n = [n_0,\,\ldots,\,n_n]\tp\), type = ArrayNodeIndex, default = []]:node numbers which provide the coordinates for the object (consecutively as provided in this list)
- systemMatrix [\({\mathbf{A}} \in \Rcal^{n \times n}\), type = NumpyMatrix, default = Matrix[]]:system matrix (state space matrix) of first order ODE
- rhsVector [\({\mathbf{f}} \in \Rcal^{n}\), type = NumpyVector, default = []]:a constant rhs vector (e.g., for constant input)
- rhsUserFunction [\({\mathbf{f}}_{user} \in \Rcal^{n}\), type = PyFunctionVectorMbsScalarIndexVector, default = 0]:A Python user function which computes the right-hand-side (rhs) of the first order ODE; see description below
- coordinateIndexPerNode [type = ArrayIndex, default = []]:this list contains the local coordinate index for every node, which is needed, e.g., for markers; the list is generated automatically every time parameters have been changed
- tempCoordinates [\({\mathbf{c}}_{temp} \in \Rcal^{n}\), type = NumpyVector, default = []]:temporary vector containing coordinates
- tempCoordinates_t [\(\dot {\mathbf{c}}_{temp} \in \Rcal^{n}\), type = NumpyVector, default = []]:temporary vector containing velocity coordinates
- visualization [type = VObjectGenericODE1]:parameters for visualization of item
The item VObjectGenericODE1 has the following parameters:
- show [type = Bool, default = True]:set true, if item is shown in visualization and false if it is not shown
DESCRIPTION of ObjectGenericODE1
The following output variables are available as OutputVariableType in sensors, Get…Output() and other functions:
Equations of motion
An object with node numbers \([n_0,\,\ldots,\,n_n]\) and according numbers of nodal coordinates \([n_{c_0},\,\ldots,\,n_{c_n}]\), the total number of equations (=coordinates) of the object is
which is used throughout the description of this object.
Equations of motion
Note that the user function \({\mathbf{f}}_{user}(mbs, t, i_N, {\mathbf{q}})\) may be empty (=0), and that iN
represents the itemNumber (=objectNumber).
CoordinateLoads are added for the respective ODE1 coordinate on the RHS of the latter equation.
Userfunction: rhsUserFunction(mbs, t, itemNumber, q)
A user function, which computes a RHS vector depending on current time and states of the object.
Can be used to create any kind of first order system, especially state space equations (inputs are added via CoordinateLoads to every node).
Note that itemNumber represents the index of the ObjectGenericODE1 object in mbs, which can be used to retrieve additional data from the object through
mbs.GetObjectParameter(itemNumber, ...)
, see the according description of GetObjectParameter
arguments / return
type or size
mbs |
provides MainSystem mbs to which object belongs
t |
current time in mbs
itemNumber |
integer number \(i_N\) of the object in mbs, allowing easy access to all object data via mbs.GetObjectParameter(itemNumber, …)
q |
Vector \(\in \Rcal^n\)
object coordinates (composed from ODE1 nodal coordinates) in current configuration, without reference values
Vector \(\in \Rcal^{n}\)
returns force vector for object
User function example:
A = numpy.diag([200,100])
#simple linear user function returning A*q + const
def UFrhs(mbs, t, itemNumber, q):
return np.dot(A, q) + np.array([0,2])
nODE1 = mbs.AddNode(NodeGenericODE1(referenceCoordinates=[0,0],
initialCoordinates=[1,0], numberOfODE1Coordinates=2))
#now add object instead of object in mini-example:
oGenericODE1 = mbs.AddObject(ObjectGenericODE1(nodeNumbers=[nODE1],
MINI EXAMPLE for ObjectGenericODE1
1#set up a 2-DOF system
2nODE1 = mbs.AddNode(NodeGenericODE1(referenceCoordinates=[0,0],
3 initialCoordinates=[1,0],
4 numberOfODE1Coordinates=2))
6#build system matrix and force vector
7#undamped mechanical system with m=1, K=100, f=1
8A = np.array([[0,1],
9 [-100,0]])
10b = np.array([0,1])
12oGenericODE1 = mbs.AddObject(ObjectGenericODE1(nodeNumbers=[nODE1],
13 systemMatrix=A,
14 rhsVector=b))
16#assemble and solve system for default parameters
20solverType = exu.DynamicSolverType.RK44
21mbs.SolveDynamic(solverType=solverType, simulationSettings=sims)
23#check result at default integration time
24exudynTestGlobals.testResult = mbs.GetNodeOutput(nODE1, exu.OutputVariableType.Coordinates)[0]
Relevant Examples and TestModels with weblink:
HydraulicsUserFunction.py (Examples/), lugreFrictionODE1.py (Examples/), lugreFrictionTest.py (Examples/), solverExplicitODE1ODE2test.py (TestModels/), taskmanagerTest.py (TestModels/)
The web version may not be complete. For details, consider also the Exudyn PDF documentation : theDoc.pdf