
A prismatic joint in 2D; allows the relative motion of two bodies, using two RigidMarkers; the vector \({\mathbf{t}}_0\) = axisMarker0 is given in local coordinates of the first marker’s (body) frame and defines the prismatic axis; the vector \(\mathbf{n}_1\) = normalMarker1 is given in the second marker’s (body) frame and is the normal vector to the prismatic axis; using the global position vector \({\mathbf{p}}_0\) and rotation matrix \({\mathbf{A}}_0\) of marker0 and the global position vector \({\mathbf{p}}_1\) rotation matrix \({\mathbf{A}}_1\) of marker1, the equations for the prismatic joint follow as .. math:

({\mathbf{p}}_1-{\mathbf{p}}_0)^T\cdot {\mathbf{A}}_1 \cdot \mathbf{n}_1 = 0
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned} ({\mathbf{A}}_0 \cdot {\mathbf{t}}_0)^T \cdot {\mathbf{A}}_1 \cdot \mathbf{n}_1 = 0\\The lagrange multipliers follow for these two equations \ :math:`[\lambda_0,\lambda_1]`\ , in which \ :math:`\lambda_0`\ is the transverse force and \ :math:`\lambda_1`\ is the torque in the joint.\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Additional information for ObjectJointPrismatic2D:

  • This Object has/provides the following types = Connector, Constraint
  • Requested Marker type = Position + Orientation
  • Short name for Python = PrismaticJoint2D
  • Short name for Python visualization object = VPrismaticJoint2D

The item ObjectJointPrismatic2D with type = ‘JointPrismatic2D’ has the following parameters:

  • name [type = String, default = ‘’]:
    constraints’s unique name
  • markerNumbers [type = ArrayMarkerIndex, default = [ invalid [-1], invalid [-1] ]]:
    list of markers used in connector
  • axisMarker0 [type = Vector3D, default = [1.,0.,0.]]:
    direction of prismatic axis, given as a 3D vector in Marker0 frame
  • normalMarker1 [type = Vector3D, default = [0.,1.,0.]]:
    direction of normal to prismatic axis, given as a 3D vector in Marker1 frame
  • constrainRotation [type = Bool, default = True]:
    flag, which determines, if the connector also constrains the relative rotation of the two objects; if set to false, the constraint will keep an algebraic equation set equal zero
  • activeConnector [type = Bool, default = True]:
    flag, which determines, if the connector is active; used to deactivate (temporarily) a connector or constraint
  • visualization [type = VObjectJointPrismatic2D]:
    parameters for visualization of item

The item VObjectJointPrismatic2D has the following parameters:

  • show [type = Bool, default = True]:
    set true, if item is shown in visualization and false if it is not shown
  • drawSize [type = float, default = -1.]:
    drawing size = radius of revolute joint; size == -1.f means that default connector size is used
  • color [type = Float4, default = [-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.]]:
    RGBA connector color; if R==-1, use default color

DESCRIPTION of ObjectJointPrismatic2D

Relevant Examples and TestModels with weblink:

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