A sensor attached to a KinematicTree with local position
The item SensorKinematicTree with type = ‘KinematicTree’ has the following parameters:
- name [type = String, default = ‘’]:sensor’s unique name
- objectNumber [type = ObjectIndex, default = invalid (-1)]:object number of KinematicTree to which sensor is attached to
- linkNumber [
, type = UInt, default = invalid (-1)]:number of link in KinematicTree to measure quantities - localPosition [
, type = Vector3D, size = 3, default = [0.,0.,0.]]:local (link-fixed) position of sensor, defined in link ( ) coordinate system - writeToFile [type = Bool, default = True]:True: write sensor output to file; flag is ignored (interpreted as False), if fileName=’’
- fileName [type = String, default = ‘’]:directory and file name for sensor file output; default: empty string generates sensor + sensorNumber + outputVariableType; directory will be created if it does not exist
- outputVariableType [type = OutputVariableType, default = OutputVariableType::_None]:OutputVariableType for sensor
- storeInternal [type = Bool, default = False]:true: store sensor data in memory (faster, but may consume large amounts of memory); false: internal storage not available
- visualization [type = VSensorKinematicTree]:parameters for visualization of item
The item VSensorKinematicTree has the following parameters:
- show [type = Bool, default = True]:set true, if item is shown in visualization and false if it is not shown
DESCRIPTION of SensorKinematicTree
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