An linear spring-damper element acting on relative translations along given axis of local joint0 coordinate system; connects to position and orientation-based markers; the linear spring-damper is intended to act within prismatic joints or in situations where only one translational axis is free; if the two markers rotate relative to each other, the spring-damper will always act in the local joint0 coordinate system.
Additional information for ObjectConnectorLinearSpringDamper:
- This
has/provides the following types =Connector
- Requested
type =Position
- Short name for Python =
- Short name for Python visualization object =
The item ObjectConnectorLinearSpringDamper with type = ‘ConnectorLinearSpringDamper’ has the following parameters:
- name [type = String, default = ‘’]:connector’s unique name
- markerNumbers [\([m0,\, m1]\), type = ArrayMarkerIndex, default = [ invalid [-1], invalid [-1] ]]:list of markers used in connector
- stiffness [\(k\), type = Real, default = 0.]:torsional stiffness [SI:Nm/rad] against relative rotation
- damping [\(d\), type = Real, default = 0.]:torsional damping [SI:Nm/(rad/s)]
- axisMarker0 [\(\LU{m0}{{\mathbf{d}}}\), type = Vector3D, default = [1,0,0]]:local axis of spring-damper in marker 0 coordinates; this axis will co-move with marker \(m0\); if marker m0 is attached to ground, the spring-damper represents linear equations
- offset [\(x_\mathrm{off}\), type = Real, default = 0.]:translational offset considered in the spring force calculation (this can be used as position control input!)
- velocityOffset [\(v_\mathrm{off}\), type = Real, default = 0.]:velocity offset considered in the damper force calculation (this can be used as velocity control input!)
- force [\(f_c\), type = Real, default = 0.]:additional constant force [SI:Nm] added to spring-damper; this can be used to prescribe a force between the two attached bodies (e.g., for actuation and control)
- activeConnector [type = Bool, default = True]:flag, which determines, if the connector is active; used to deactivate (temporarily) a connector or constraint
- springForceUserFunction [\(\mathrm{UF} \in \Rcal\), type = PyFunctionMbsScalarIndexScalar5, default = 0]:A Python function which computes the scalar force between the two rigid body markers along axisMarker0 in \(m0\) coordinates, if activeConnector=True; see description below
- visualization [type = VObjectConnectorLinearSpringDamper]:parameters for visualization of item
The item VObjectConnectorLinearSpringDamper has the following parameters:
- show [type = Bool, default = True]:set true, if item is shown in visualization and false if it is not shown
- drawSize [type = float, default = -1.]:drawing size = diameter of spring; size == -1.f means that default connector size is used
- drawAsCylinder [type = Bool, default = False]:if this flag is True, the spring-damper is represented as cylinder; this may fit better if the spring-damper represents an actuator
- color [type = Float4, default = [-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.]]:RGBA connector color; if R==-1, use default color
DESCRIPTION of ObjectConnectorLinearSpringDamper
The following output variables are available as OutputVariableType in sensors, Get…Output() and other functions:
: \(\Delta x\)(scalar) relative displacement of the spring-damperVelocityLocal
: \(\Delta v\)(scalar) relative velocity of spring-damperForceLocal
: \(f_{SD}\)(scalar) spring-damper force
Definition of quantities
input parameter
global marker number m0
global marker number m1
intermediate variables
marker m0 orientation
current rotation matrix provided by marker m0
marker m0 position
current position matrix provided by marker m0
marker m1 position
current position matrix provided by marker m1
marker m0 velocity
current global velocity vector provided by marker m0
marker m1 velocity
current global velocity vector provided by marker m1
relative displacement
\(\Delta x = (\LU{0,m0}{\Rot} \LU{m0}{{\mathbf{d}}})\tp (\LU{0}{{\mathbf{p}}_{m1}} - \LU{0}{{\mathbf{p}}_{m0}})\)
scalar relative displacement
relative velocity
\(\Delta v = (\LU{0,m0}{\Rot} \LU{m0}{{\mathbf{d}}})\tp (\LU{0}{{\mathbf{v}}_{m1}} - \LU{0}{{\mathbf{v}}_{m0}})\)
scalar relative velocity; note that this only corresponds to the time derivative of \(\Delta x\) if the markers only move along the axis (in a prismatic joint)
Connector forces
If activeConnector = True
, the vector spring force is computed as
if activeConnector = False
, \(f_{SD}\) is set zero.
If the springForceUserFunction \(\mathrm{UF}\) is defined and activeConnector = True
\(f_{SD}\) instead becomes (\(t\) is current time)
and iN
represents the itemNumber (=objectNumber).
Userfunction: springForceUserFunction(mbs, t, itemNumber, displacement, velocity, stiffness, damping, offset)
A user function, which computes the scalar torque depending on mbs, time, local quantities
(relative displacement, relative velocity), which are evaluated at current time.
Furthermore, the user function contains object parameters (stiffness, damping, offset).
Note that itemNumber represents the index of the object in mbs, which can be used to retrieve additional data from the object through
mbs.GetObjectParameter(itemNumber, ...)
, see the according description of GetObjectParameter
Detailed description of the arguments and local quantities:
arguments / return
type or size
mbs |
provides MainSystem mbs in which underlying item is defined
t |
current time in mbs
itemNumber |
integer number \(i_N\) of the object in mbs, allowing easy access to all object data via mbs.GetObjectParameter(itemNumber, …)
displacement |
\(\Delta x\)
velocity |
\(\Delta v\)
stiffness |
copied from object
damping |
copied from object
offset |
copied from object
computed force
User function example:
#define simple cubic force for spring-damper:
def UFforce(mbs, t, itemNumber, displacement, velocity, stiffness, damping, offset):
k = stiffness #passed as list
return k*displacement + 0.1*k* displacement**3
#markerNumbers and parameters taken from mini example
mbs.AddObject(LinearSpringDamper(markerNumbers = [mGround, mBody],
stiffness = k,
damping = k*0.01,
offset = 0,
springForceUserFunction = UFforce))
MINI EXAMPLE for ObjectConnectorLinearSpringDamper
1#example with rigid body at [0,0,0], with torsional load
3nBody = mbs.AddNode(RigidRxyz())
4oBody = mbs.AddObject(RigidBody(physicsMass=1, physicsInertia=[1,1,1,0,0,0],
5 nodeNumber=nBody))
7mBody = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerNodeRigid(nodeNumber=nBody))
8mGround = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyRigid(bodyNumber=oGround,
9 localPosition = [0,0,0]))
10mbs.AddObject(PrismaticJointX(markerNumbers = [mGround, mBody])) #motion along ground X-axis
11mbs.AddObject(LinearSpringDamper(markerNumbers = [mGround, mBody], axisMarker0=[1,0,0],
12 stiffness = k, damping = k*0.01, offset = 0))
14#force along x-axis; expect approx. Delta x = 1/k=0.0005
15mbs.AddLoad(Force(markerNumber = mBody, loadVector=[1,0,0]))
17#assemble and solve system for default parameters
21#check result at default integration time
22exudynTestGlobals.testResult = mbs.GetNodeOutput(nBody, exu.OutputVariableType.Displacement)[0]
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