Module: advancedUtilities

Advanced utility functions only depending on numpy or specified exudyn modules; Here, we gather special functions, which are depending on other modules and do not fit into exudyn.utilities as they cannot be imported e.g. in rigidBodyUtilities

  • Author: Johannes Gerstmayr

  • Date: 2023-01-06 (created)

Function: PlotLineCode


  • function description:
    helper functions for matplotlib, returns a list of 28 line codes to be used in plot, e.g. ‘r-’ for red solid line
  • input:
    index in range(0:28)
  • output:
    a color and line style code for matplotlib plot

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: FindObjectIndex

FindObjectIndex(i, globalVariables)

  • function description:
    simple function to find object index i within the local or global scope of variables
  • input:
    i, the integer object number and globalVariables=globals()
  • example:
FindObjectIndex(2, locals() )  #usually sufficient
FindObjectIndex(2, globals() ) #wider search

Function: FindNodeIndex

FindNodeIndex(i, globalVariables)

  • function description:
    simple function to find node index i within the local or global scope of variables
  • input:
    i, the integer node number and globalVariables=globals()
  • example:
FindObjectIndex(2, locals() )  #usually sufficient
FindObjectIndex(2, globals() ) #wider search

Function: IsListOrArray

IsListOrArray(data, checkIfNoneEmpty = False)

  • function description:
    checks, if data is of type list or np.array; used in functions to check input data
  • input:
    data: any type, preferrably list or numpy.array
    checkIfNoneEmpty: if True, function only returns True if type is list or array AND if length is non-zero
  • output:
    returns True/False

Function: RaiseTypeError

RaiseTypeError(where = '', argumentName = '', received = None, expectedType = None, dim = None, cols = None)

  • function description:
    internal function which is used to raise common errors in case of wrong types; dim is used for vectors and square matrices, cols is used for non-square matrices

Function: IsNone


  • function description:
    return True, if x is None; works also for numpy arrays or structures

Function: IsNotNone


  • function description:
    return True, if x is not None; works also for numpy arrays or structures

Function: IsValidBool


  • function description:
    return True, if x is int, float, np.double, np.integer or similar types that can be automatically casted to pybind11

Function: IsValidRealInt


  • function description:
    return True, if x is int, float, np.double, np.integer or similar types that can be automatically casted to pybind11

Function: IsValidPRealInt


  • function description:
    return True, if x is valid Real/Int and positive

Function: IsValidURealInt


  • function description:
    return True, if x is valid Real/Int and unsigned (non-negative)

Function: IsReal


  • function description:
    return True, if x is any python or numpy float type; could also be called IsFloat(), but Real has special meaning in Exudyn

Function: IsInteger


  • function description:
    return True, if x is any python or numpy float type

Function: IsVector

IsVector(v, expectedSize = None)

  • function description:
    check if v is a valid vector with floats or ints; if expectedSize!=None, the length is also checked

Function: IsIntVector

IsIntVector(v, expectedSize = None)

  • function description:
    check if v is a valid vector with floats or ints; if expectedSize!=None, the length is also checked

Function: IsSquareMatrix

IsSquareMatrix(m, expectedSize = None)

  • function description:
    check if v is a valid vector with floats or ints; if expectedSize!=None, the length is also checked

Function: IsValidObjectIndex


  • function description:
    return True, if x is valid exudyn object index

Function: IsValidNodeIndex


  • function description:
    return True, if x is valid exudyn node index

Function: IsValidMarkerIndex


  • function description:
    return True, if x is valid exudyn marker index

Function: IsEmptyList


  • function description:
    return True, if x is an empty list (or empty list converted from numpy array), otherwise return False

Function: FillInSubMatrix

FillInSubMatrix(subMatrix, destinationMatrix, destRow, destColumn)

  • function description:
    fill submatrix into given destinationMatrix; all matrices must be numpy arrays
  • input:
    subMatrix: input matrix, which is filled into destinationMatrix
    destinationMatrix: the subMatrix is entered here
    destRow: row destination of subMatrix
    destColumn: column destination of subMatrix
  • output:
    destinationMatrix is changed after function call
  • notes:
    may be erased in future!

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: SweepSin

SweepSin(t, t1, f0, f1)

  • function description:
    compute sin sweep at given time t
  • input:
    t: evaluate of sweep at time t
    t1: end time of sweep frequency range
    f0: start of frequency interval [f0,f1] in Hz
    f1: end of frequency interval [f0,f1] in Hz
  • output:
    evaluation of sin sweep (in range -1..+1)

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: SweepCos

SweepCos(t, t1, f0, f1)

  • function description:
    compute cos sweep at given time t
  • input:
    t: evaluate of sweep at time t
    t1: end time of sweep frequency range
    f0: start of frequency interval [f0,f1] in Hz
    f1: end of frequency interval [f0,f1] in Hz
  • output:
    evaluation of cos sweep (in range -1..+1)

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: FrequencySweep

FrequencySweep(t, t1, f0, f1)

  • function description:
    frequency according to given sweep functions SweepSin, SweepCos
  • input:
    t: evaluate of frequency at time t
    t1: end time of sweep frequency range
    f0: start of frequency interval [f0,f1] in Hz
    f1: end of frequency interval [f0,f1] in Hz
  • output:
    frequency in Hz

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: SmoothStep

SmoothStep(x, x0, x1, value0, value1)

  • function description:
    step function with smooth transition from value0 to value1; transition is computed with cos function
  • input:
    x: argument at which function is evaluated
    x0: start of step (f(x) = value0)
    x1: end of step (f(x) = value1)
    value0: value before smooth step
    value1: value at end of smooth step
  • output:
    returns f(x)

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: SmoothStepDerivative

SmoothStepDerivative(x, x0, x1, value0, value1)

  • function description:
    derivative of SmoothStep using same arguments
  • input:
    x: argument at which function is evaluated
    x0: start of step (f(x) = value0)
    x1: end of step (f(x) = value1)
    value0: value before smooth step
    value1: value at end of smooth step
  • output:
    returns d/dx(f(x))

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: IndexFromValue

IndexFromValue(data, value, tolerance = 1e-7, assumeConstantSampleRate = False, rangeWarning = True)

  • function description:
    get index from value in given data vector (numpy array); usually used to get specific index of time vector; this function is slow (linear search), if sampling rate is non-constant; otherwise set assumeConstantSampleRate=True!
  • input:
    data: containing (almost) equidistant values of time
    value: e.g., time to be found in data
    tolerance: tolerance, which is accepted (default: tolerance=1e-7)
    rangeWarning: warn, if index returns out of range; if warning is deactivated, function uses the closest value
  • output:
  • notes:
    to obtain the interpolated value of a time-signal array, use GetInterpolatedSignalValue() in exudyn.signalProcessing

Function: RoundMatrix

RoundMatrix(matrix, treshold = 1e-14)

  • function description:
    set all entries in matrix to zero which are smaller than given treshold; operates directly on matrix
  • input:
    matrix as np.array, treshold as positive value
  • output:
    changes matrix

Function: ConvertFunctionToSymbolic

ConvertFunctionToSymbolic(mbs, function, userFunctionName, itemIndex = None, itemTypeName = None, verbose = 0)

  • function description:
    Internal function to convert a Python user function into a dictionary containing the symbolic representation;
    this function is under development and should be used with care
  • input:
    mbs: MainSystem, needed currently for interface
    function: Python function with interface according to desired user function
    itemIndex: item index, such as ObjectIndex or LoadIndex; -1 indicates MainSystem; if None, itemTypeName must be provided instead
    itemTypeName: use of type name, such as ObjectConnectorSpringDamper; in this case, itemIndex must be None
    itemIndex: item index, such as ObjectIndex or LoadIndex; -1 indicates MainSystem
    userFunctionName: name of user function item, see documentation; this is required, because some items have several user functions, which need to be distinguished
    verbose: if > 0, according output is printed
  • output:
    return dictionary with ‘functionName’, ‘argList’, and ‘returnList’

Function: CreateSymbolicUserFunction

CreateSymbolicUserFunction(mbs, function, userFunctionName, itemIndex = None, itemTypeName = None, verbose = 0)

  • function description:
    Helper function to convert a Python user function into a symbolic user function;
    this function is under development and should be used with care
  • input:
    mbs: MainSystem, needed currently for interface
    function: Python function with interface according to desired user function
    itemIndex: item index, such as ObjectIndex or LoadIndex; -1 indicates MainSystem; if None, itemTypeName must be provided instead
    itemTypeName: use of type name, such as ObjectConnectorSpringDamper; in this case, itemIndex must be None
    userFunctionName: name of user function item, see documentation; this is required, because some items have several user functions, which need to be distinguished
    verbose: if > 0, according output may be printed
  • output:
    returns symbolic user function; this can be transfered into an item using TransferUserFunction2Item
  • notes:
    keep the return value alive in a variable (or list), as it contains the expression tree which must exist for the lifetime of the user function
  • example:
oGround = mbs.AddObject(ObjectGround())
node = mbs.AddNode(NodePoint(referenceCoordinates = [1.05,0,0]))
oMassPoint = mbs.AddObject(MassPoint(nodeNumber = node, physicsMass=1))
symbolicFunc = CreateSymbolicUserFunction(mbs, function=springForceUserFunction,
m0 = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyPosition(bodyNumber=oGround, localPosition=[0,0,0]))
m1 = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyPosition(bodyNumber=oMassPoint, localPosition=[0,0,0]))
co = mbs.AddObject(ObjectConnectorSpringDamper(markerNumbers=[m0,m1],
                   referenceLength = 1, stiffness = 100, damping = 1,
print(symbolicFunc.Evaluate(mbs, 0., 0, 1.1, 0.,  100., 0., 13.) )

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

CLASS ExpectedType(Enum) (in module advancedUtilities)

class description:

internal type which is used for type checking in exudyn Python user functions; used to create unique error messages