Module: plot

Plot utility functions based on matplotlib, including plotting of sensors and FFT.

  • Author: Johannes Gerstmayr

  • Date: 2020-09-16 (created)

  • Notes: For a list of plot colors useful for matplotlib, see also advancedUtilities.PlotLineCode(…)

Function: ParseOutputFileHeader


  • function description:
    parse header of output file (solution file, sensor file, genetic optimization output, …) given in file.readlines() format
  • output:
    return dictionary with ‘type’=[‘sensor’,’solution’,’geneticOptimization’,’parameterVariation’], ‘variableType’ containing variable types, ‘variableRanges’ containing ranges for parameter variation

Function: PlotSensorDefaults


  • function description:
    returns structure with default values for PlotSensor which can be modified once to be set for all later calls of PlotSensor
  • example:
#change one parameter:
plot.PlotSensorDefaults().fontSize = 12
#==>now PlotSensor(...) will use fontSize=12
#==>now PlotSensor(..., fontSize=10) will use fontSize=10
#==>BUT PlotSensor(..., fontSize=16) will use fontSize=12, BECAUSE 16 is the original default value!!!
#see which parameters are available:

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: PlotSensor

PlotSensor(mbs, sensorNumbers = [], components = 0, xLabel = 'time (s)', yLabel = None, labels = [], colorCodeOffset = 0, newFigure = True, closeAll = False, componentsX = [], title = '', figureName = '', fontSize = 16, colors = [], lineStyles = [], lineWidths = [], markerStyles = [], markerSizes = [], markerDensity = 0.08, rangeX = [], rangeY = [], majorTicksX = 10, majorTicksY = 10, offsets = [], factors = [], subPlot = [], sizeInches = [6.4,4.8], fileName = '', useXYZcomponents = True, **kwargs)

  • NOTE: this function is directly available in MainSystem (mbs); it should be directly called as mbs.PlotSensor(…). For description of the interface, see the MainSystem Python extensions, Function: PlotSensor

Function: PlotFFT

PlotFFT(frequency, data, xLabel = 'frequency', yLabel = 'magnitude', label = '', freqStart = 0, freqEnd = -1, logScaleX = True, logScaleY = True, majorGrid = True, minorGrid = True)

  • function description:
    plot fft spectrum of signal
  • input:
    frequency: frequency vector (Hz, if time is in SECONDS)
    data: magnitude or phase as returned by ComputeFFT() in exudyn.signalProcessing
    xLabel: label for x-axis, default=frequency
    yLabel: label for y-axis, default=magnitude
    label: either empty string (‘’) or name used in legend
    freqStart: starting range for frequency
    freqEnd: end of range for frequency; if freqEnd==-1 (default), the total range is plotted
    logScaleX: use log scale for x-axis
    logScaleY: use log scale for y-axis
    majorGrid: if True, plot major grid with solid line
    minorGrid: if True, plot minor grid with dotted line
  • output:
    creates plot and returns plot (plt) handle

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: FileStripSpaces

FileStripSpaces(filename, outputFilename, fileCommentChar = '', removeDoubleChars = '')

  • function description:
    strip spaces at beginning / end of lines; this may be sometimes necessary when reading solutions from files that are space-separated
  • input:
    filename: name of file to process
    outputFilename: name of file to which text without leading/trailing spaces is written
    fileCommentChar: if not equal ‘’, lines starting with this character will not be processed
    removeDoubleChars: if not equal ‘’, this double characters (especial multiple spaces) will be removed; ‘1.0 3.0’ will be converted into ‘1.0 3.0’
  • output:
    new file written

Function: DataArrayFromSensorList

DataArrayFromSensorList(mbs, sensorNumbers, positionList = [], time = '')

  • function description:
    helper function to create data array from outputs defined by sensorNumbers list [+optional positionList which must have, e.g., local arc-length of beam according to sensor numbers]; if time==’’, current sensor values will be used; if time!=[], evaluation will be based on loading values from file or sensor internal data and evaluate at that time
  • input:
    mbs: a MainSystem where the sensors are given
    sensorNumbers: a list of sensor numbers, which shall be evaluated
    positionList: an optional list of positions per sensor (e.g., axial positions at beam)
    time: optional time at which the sensor values are evaluated (currently not implemented)
  • output:
    returns data as numpy array, containg per row the number or position (positionList) in the first column and all sensor values in the remaining columns

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: LoadImage

LoadImage(fileName, trianglesAsLines = True, verbose = False)

  • function description:
    import image text file as exported from RedrawAndSaveImage() with exportImages.saveImageFormat=’TXT’; triangles are converted to lines
  • input:
    fileName includes directory
  • output:
    returns dictionary with according structures

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: PlotImage

PlotImage(imageData, HT = np.eye(4), axesEqual = True, plot3D = False, lineWidths = 1, lineStyles = '-', triangleEdgeColors = 'black', triangleEdgeWidths = 0.5, removeAxes = True, orthogonalProjection = True, title = '', figureName = '', fileName = '', fontSize = 16, closeAll = False, azim = 0., elev = 0.)

  • function description:
    plot 2D or 3D vector image data as provided by LoadImage(…) using matplotlib
  • input:
    imageData: dictionary as provided by LoadImage(…)
    HT: homogeneous transformation, used to transform coordinates; lines are drawn in (x,y) plane
    axesEqual: for 2D mode, axis are set equal, otherwise model is distorted
    plot3D: in this mode, a 3D visualization is used; triangles are only be displayed in this mode!
    lineWidths: width of lines
    lineStyles: matplotlib codes for lines
    triangleEdgeColors: color for triangle edges as tuple of rgb colors or matplotlib color code strings ‘black’, ‘r’, …
    triangleEdgeWidths: width of triangle edges; set to 0 if edges shall not be shown
    removeAxes: if True, all axes and background are removed for simpler export
    orthogonalProjection: if True, projection is orthogonal with no perspective view
    title: optional string representing plot title
    figureName: optional name for figure, if newFigure=True
    fileName: if this string is non-empty, figure will be saved to given path and filename (use figName.pdf to safe as PDF or figName.png to save as PNG image); use matplotlib.use(‘Agg’) in order not to open figures if you just want to save them
    fontSize: change general fontsize of axis, labels, etc. (matplotlib default is 12, default in PlotSensor: 16)
    closeAll: if True, close all figures before opening new one (do this only in first PlotSensor command!)
    azim, elev: for 3D plots: the initial angles for the 3D view in degrees

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github: