Module: robotics.future

The future module contains functionality which is currently under development and will be moved in other robotics libraries in future

  • Date: 2023-03-27

Function: MakeCorkeRobot


  • function description:
    makeCorkeRobot, creates robot using the peter corke toolbox using standard (stdDH) or modified (modKKDH) Denavid Hartenberg parameters
  • input:
    robotDic: robot dictionary by exudyn robotic models
    dhpara: stDH for standard DH parameter, modKKDH for modified DH parameter
  • output:
    serial robot object by corke
  • author:
    Martin Sereinig
  • notes:
    DH Parameter Information:
    stdH = [theta, d, a, alpha] with Rz(theta) * Tz(d) * Tx(a) * Rx(alpha)
    modDH = [alpha, dx, theta, rz] with
    used by Corke and Lynch: Rx(alpha) * Tx(a) * Rz(theta) * Tz(d)
    used by Khali: Rx(alpha) * Tx(d) * Rz(theta) * Tz(r)
    Important note: d(khali)=a(corke) and r(khali)=d(corke)

Function: ComputeIK3R

ComputeIK3R(robotDic, HT)

  • function description:
    calculates the analytical inverse kinematics for 3R elbow type serial robot manipulator
  • input:
    robotDic: robot dictionary
    HT: desired position and orientation for the end effector as 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix as list of lists or np.array
  • output:
    solutions, list of lists with posible joint angles [q1,q2,q3] (in radiant)
    to achive the desired position (4 posible solutions,schoulder left/right, ellbow up/down ) in following order: left/down, left/up, right/up, right/down
  • author:
    Martin Sereinig
  • notes:
    only applicable for standard Denavit-Hartenberg parameters
  • status:
    testet with various configurations and joint angels

Function: ComputeIKPuma560

ComputeIKPuma560(robotDic, HT)

  • function description:
    calculates the analytical inverse kinematics for Puma560 serial 6R robotDic manipulator
  • input:
    robotDic: robotDictionary
    HT: desired position and orientation for the end effector as 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix as list of lists or np.array
  • output:
    qSolutions, list of lists with posible joint angles [q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6] (in radiant)
    to achive the desired position and orientation (8 posible solutions,schoulder left/right, ellbow up/down, wrist flipped/notflipped (rotated by pi) )
    left/down/notflipped, left/down/flipped, left/up/notflipped, left/up/flipped, right/up/notflipped, right/up/flipped, right/down/notflipped, right/down/flipped
  • author:
    Martin Sereinig
  • notes:
    Usage for different manipulators with sperical wrist posible, only applicable for standard Denavit-Hartenberg parameters
  • status:
    tested (compared with robotDiccs, Vision and Control book of P. Corke

Function: ComputeIKUR

ComputeIKUR(robotDic, HTdes)

  • function description:
    calculates the analytical inverse kinematics for UR type serial 6R robot manipulator without sperical wrist
  • input:
    robotDic: robot dictionary
    HT: desired position and orientation for the end effector as 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix as list of lists or np.array
  • output:
    solutions, list of lists with posible joint angles [q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6] (in radiant)
    to achive the desired position and orientation (8 posible solutions,schoulder left/right, ellbow up/down, wrist flipped/notflipped (rotated by pi) )
    [left/down/notflipped, left/down/flipped, left/up/notflipped, left/up/flipped, right/up/notflipped, right/up/flipped, right/down/notflipped, right/down/flipped]
  • author:
    Martin Sereinig
  • notes:
    Usage for different manipulators without sperical wrist posible UR3,UR5,UR10, only applicable for standard Denavit-Hartenberg parameters
  • status:
    under development, works for most configurations, singularities not checked -> ZeroConfiguration not working