Module: graphics

This module newly introduces revised graphics functions, coherent with Exudyn terminology; it provides basic graphics elements like cuboid, cylinder, sphere, solid of revolution, etc.; offers also some advanced functions for STL import and mesh manipulation; for some advanced functions see graphicsDataUtilties; GraphicsData helper functions generate dictionaries which contain line, text or triangle primitives for drawing in Exudyn using OpenGL.

  • Author: Johannes Gerstmayr

  • Date: 2024-05-10 (created)

Function: Sphere

Sphere(point = [0,0,0], radius = 0.1, color = [0.,0.,0.,1.], nTiles = 8, addEdges = False, edgeColor =, addFaces = True)

  • function description:
    generate graphics data for a sphere with point p and radius
  • input:
    point: center of sphere (3D list or np.array)
    radius: positive value
    color: provided as list of 4 RGBA values
    nTiles: used to determine resolution of sphere >=3; use larger values for finer resolution
    addEdges: True or number of edges along sphere shell (under development); for optimal drawing, nTiles shall be multiple of 4 or 8
    edgeColor: optional color for edges
    addFaces: if False, no faces are added (only edges)
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects

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Function: Lines

Lines(pList, color = [0.,0.,0.,1.])

  • function description:
    generate graphics data for lines, given by list of points and color; transforms to GraphicsData dictionary
  • input:
    pList: list of 3D numpy arrays or lists (to achieve closed curve, set last point equal to first point)
    color: provided as list of 4 RGBA values
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects
  • example:
#create simple 3-point lines

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Function: Circle

Circle(point = [0,0,0], radius = 1, color = [0.,0.,0.,1.])

  • function description:
    generate graphics data for a single circle; currently the plane normal = [0,0,1], just allowing to draw planar circles – this may be extended in future!
  • input:
    point: center point of circle
    radius: radius of circle
    color: provided as list of 4 RGBA values
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects
  • notes:
    the tiling (number of segments to draw circle) can be adjusted by visualizationSettings.general.circleTiling

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Function: Text

Text(point = [0,0,0], text = '', color = [0.,0.,0.,1.])

  • function description:
    generate graphics data for a text drawn at a 3D position
  • input:
    point: position of text
    text: string representing text
    color: provided as list of 4 RGBA values
    **nodes: text size can be adjusted with visualizationSettings.general.textSize, which affects the text size (=font size) globally
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects

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Function: Cuboid

Cuboid(pList, color = [0.,0.,0.,1.], faces = [1,1,1,1,1,1], addNormals = False, addEdges = False, edgeColor =, addFaces = True)

  • function description:
    generate graphics data for general block with endpoints, according to given vertex definition
  • input:
    pList: is a list of points [[x0,y0,z0],[x1,y1,z1],…]
    color: provided as list of 4 RGBA values
    faces: includes the list of six binary values (0/1), denoting active faces (value=1); set index to zero to hide face
    addNormals: if True, normals are added and there are separate points for every triangle
    addEdges: if True, edges are added in TriangleList of GraphicsData
    edgeColor: optional color for edges
    addFaces: if False, no faces are added (only edges)
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects

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Function: BrickXYZ

BrickXYZ(xMin, yMin, zMin, xMax, yMax, zMax, color = [0.,0.,0.,1.], addNormals = False, addEdges = False, edgeColor =, addFaces = True)

  • function description:
    generate graphics data for orthogonal 3D block with min and max dimensions
  • input:
    x/y/z/Min/Max: minimal and maximal cartesian coordinates for orthogonal cube
    color: list of 4 RGBA values
    addNormals: add face normals to triangle information
    addEdges: if True, edges are added in TriangleList of GraphicsData
    edgeColor: optional color for edges
    addFaces: if False, no faces are added (only edges)
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects
  • notes:

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Function: Brick

Brick(centerPoint = [0,0,0], size = [0.1,0.1,0.1], color = [0.,0.,0.,1.], addNormals = False, addEdges = False, edgeColor =, addFaces = True)

  • function description:
    generate graphics data forfor orthogonal 3D block with center point and size
  • input:
    centerPoint: center of cube as 3D list or np.array
    size: size as 3D list or np.array
    color: list of 4 RGBA values
    addNormals: add face normals to triangle information
    addEdges: if True, edges are added in TriangleList of GraphicsData
    edgeColor: optional color for edges
    addFaces: if False, no faces are added (only edges)
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects; if addEdges=True, it returns a list of two dictionaries

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Function: Cylinder

Cylinder(pAxis = [0,0,0], vAxis = [0,0,1], radius = 0.1, color = [0.,0.,0.,1.], nTiles = 16, angleRange = [0,2*pi], lastFace = True, cutPlain = True, addEdges = False, edgeColor =, addFaces = True, **kwargs)

  • function description:
    generate graphics data for a cylinder with given axis, radius and color; nTiles gives the number of tiles (minimum=3)
  • input:
    pAxis: axis point of one face of cylinder (3D list or np.array)
    vAxis: vector representing the cylinder’s axis (3D list or np.array)
    radius: positive value representing radius of cylinder
    color: provided as list of 4 RGBA values
    nTiles: used to determine resolution of cylinder >=3; use larger values for finer resolution
    angleRange: given in rad, to draw only part of cylinder (halfcylinder, etc.); for full range use [0..2 * pi]
    lastFace: if angleRange != [0,2*pi], then the faces of the open cylinder are shown with lastFace = True
    cutPlain: only used for angleRange != [0,2*pi]; if True, a plane is cut through the part of the cylinder; if False, the cylinder becomes a cake shape …
    addEdges: if True, edges are added in TriangleList of GraphicsData; if addEdges is integer, additional int(addEdges) lines are added on the cylinder mantle
    edgeColor: optional color for edges
    addFaces: if False, no faces are added (only edges)
    alternatingColor: if given, optionally another color in order to see rotation of solid; only works, if angleRange=[0,2*pi]
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects

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Function: SolidOfRevolution

SolidOfRevolution(pAxis, vAxis, contour, color = [0.,0.,0.,1.], nTiles = 16, smoothContour = False, addEdges = False, edgeColor =, addFaces = True, **kwargs)

  • function description:
    generate graphics data for a solid of revolution with given 3D point and axis, 2D point list for contour, (optional)2D normals and color;
  • input:
    pAxis: axis point of one face of solid of revolution (3D list or np.array)
    vAxis: vector representing the solid of revolution’s axis (3D list or np.array)
    contour: a list of 2D-points, specifying the contour (x=axis, y=radius), e.g.: [[0,0],[0,0.1],[1,0.1]]
    color: provided as list of 4 RGBA values
    nTiles: used to determine resolution of solid; use larger values for finer resolution
    smoothContour: if True, the contour is made smooth by auto-computing normals to the contour
    addEdges: True or number of edges along revolution mantle; for optimal drawing, nTiles shall be multiple addEdges
    edgeColor: optional color for edges
    addFaces: if False, no faces are added (only edges)
    alternatingColor: add a second color, which enables to see the rotation of the solid
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects
  • example:
#simple contour, using list of 2D points:
rev1 = graphics.SolidOfRevolution(pAxis=[0,0.5,0], vAxis=[1,0,0],
#draw torus:
r = 0.2 #small radius of torus
R = 0.5 #big radius of torus
nc = 16 #discretization of torus
for i in range(nc+3): #+3 in order to remove boundary effects
#use smoothContour to make torus looking smooth
rev2 = graphics.SolidOfRevolution(pAxis=[0,0.5,0], vAxis=[1,0,0],
                                     nTiles = 64, smoothContour=True)

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Function: Arrow

Arrow(pAxis, vAxis, radius, color = [0.,0.,0.,1.], headFactor = 2, headStretch = 4, nTiles = 12)

  • function description:
    generate graphics data for an arrow with given origin, axis, shaft radius, optional size factors for head and color; nTiles gives the number of tiles (minimum=3)
  • input:
    pAxis: axis point of the origin (base) of the arrow (3D list or np.array)
    vAxis: vector representing the vector pointing from the origin to the tip (head) of the error (3D list or np.array)
    radius: positive value representing radius of shaft cylinder
    headFactor: positive value representing the ratio between head’s radius and the shaft radius
    headStretch: positive value representing the ratio between the head’s radius and the head’s length
    color: provided as list of 4 RGBA values
    nTiles: used to determine resolution of arrow (of revolution object) >=3; use larger values for finer resolution
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects

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Function: Basis

Basis(origin = [0,0,0], rotationMatrix = np.eye(3), length = 1, colors = [,,], headFactor = 2, headStretch = 4, nTiles = 12, **kwargs)

  • function description:
    generate graphics data for three arrows representing an orthogonal basis with point of origin, shaft radius, optional size factors for head and colors; nTiles gives the number of tiles (minimum=3)
  • input:
    origin: point of the origin of the base (3D list or np.array)
    rotationMatrix: optional transformation, which rotates the basis vectors
    length: positive value representing lengths of arrows for basis
    colors: provided as list of 3 colors (list of 4 RGBA values)
    headFactor: positive value representing the ratio between head’s radius and the shaft radius
    headStretch: positive value representing the ratio between the head’s radius and the head’s length
    nTiles: used to determine resolution of arrows of basis (of revolution object) >=3; use larger values for finer resolution
    radius: positive value representing radius of arrows; default: radius = 0.01*length
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects

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Function: Frame

Frame(HT = np.eye(4), length = 1, colors = [,,], headFactor = 2, headStretch = 4, nTiles = 12, **kwargs)

  • function description:
    generate graphics data for frame (similar to Basis), showing three arrows representing an orthogonal basis for the homogeneous transformation HT; optional shaft radius, optional size factors for head and colors; nTiles gives the number of tiles (minimum=3)
  • input:
    HT: homogeneous transformation representing frame
    length: positive value representing lengths of arrows for basis
    colors: provided as list of 3 colors (list of 4 RGBA values)
    headFactor: positive value representing the ratio between head’s radius and the shaft radius
    headStretch: positive value representing the ratio between the head’s radius and the head’s length
    nTiles: used to determine resolution of arrows of basis (of revolution object) >=3; use larger values for finer resolution
    radius: positive value representing radius of arrows; default: radius = 0.01*length
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects

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Function: Quad

Quad(pList, color = [0.,0.,0.,1.], **kwargs)

  • function description:
    generate graphics data for simple quad with option for checkerboard pattern;
    points are arranged counter-clock-wise, e.g.: p0=[0,0,0], p1=[1,0,0], p2=[1,1,0], p3=[0,1,0]
  • input:
    pList: list of 4 quad points [[x0,y0,z0],[x1,y1,z1],…]
    color: provided as list of 4 RGBA values
    alternatingColor: second color; if defined, a checkerboard pattern (default: 10x10) is drawn with color and alternatingColor
    nTiles: number of tiles for checkerboard pattern (default: 10)
    nTilesY: if defined, use number of tiles in y-direction different from x-direction (=nTiles)
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects
  • example:
plane = graphics.Quad([[-8, 0, -8],[ 8, 0, -8,],[ 8, 0, 8],[-8, 0, 8]],
                         color.darkgrey, nTiles=8,

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Function: CheckerBoard

CheckerBoard(point = [0,0,0], normal = [0,0,1], size = 1, color = color.lightgrey, alternatingColor = color.lightgrey2, nTiles = 10, **kwargs)

  • function description:
    function to generate checkerboard background;
    points are arranged counter-clock-wise, e.g.:
  • input:
    point: midpoint of pattern provided as list or np.array
    normal: normal to plane provided as list or np.array
    size: dimension of first side length of quad
    size2: dimension of second side length of quad
    color: provided as list of 4 RGBA values
    alternatingColor: second color; if defined, a checkerboard pattern (default: 10x10) is drawn with color and alternatingColor
    nTiles: number of tiles for checkerboard pattern in first direction
    nTiles2: number of tiles for checkerboard pattern in second direction; default: nTiles
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects
  • example:
plane = graphics.CheckerBoard(normal=[0,0,1], size=5)

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Function: SolidExtrusion

SolidExtrusion(vertices, segments, height, rot = np.diag([1,1,1]), pOff = [0,0,0], color = [0,0,0,1], smoothNormals = False, addEdges = False, edgeColor =, addFaces = True)

  • function description:
    create graphicsData for solid extrusion based on 2D points and segments; by default, the extrusion is performed in z-direction;
    additional transformations are possible to translate and rotate the extruded body;
  • input:
    vertices: list of pairs of coordinates of vertices in mesh [x,y], see ComputeTriangularMesh(…)
    segments: list of segments, which are pairs of node numbers [i,j], defining the boundary of the mesh;
    the ordering of the nodes is such that left triangle = inside, right triangle = outside; see ComputeTriangularMesh(…)
    height: height of extruded object
    rot: rotation matrix, which the extruded object point coordinates are multiplied with before adding offset
    pOff: 3D offset vector added to extruded coordinates; the z-coordinate of the extrusion object obtains 0 for the base plane, z=height for the top plane
    smoothNormals: if True, algorithm tries to smoothen normals at vertices and normals are added; creates more points; if False, triangle normals are used internally
    addEdges: if True or 1, edges at bottom/top are included in the GraphicsData dictionary; if 2, also mantle edges are included
    edgeColor: optional color for edges
    addFaces: if False, no faces are added (only edges)
  • output:
    graphicsData dictionary, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects

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Function: FromPointsAndTrigs

FromPointsAndTrigs(points, triangles, color = [0.,0.,0.,1.])

  • function description:
    convert triangles and points as returned from graphics.ToPointsAndTrigs(…)
  • input:
    points: list of np.array with 3 floats per point
    triangles: list of np.array with 3 int per triangle (0-based indices to triangles)
    color: provided as list of 4 RGBA values or single list of (number of points)*[4 RGBA values]
  • output:
    returns GraphicsData with type TriangleList

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Function: ToPointsAndTrigs


  • function description:
    convert graphics data into list of points and list of triangle indices (triplets)
  • input:
    g contains a GraphicsData with type TriangleList
  • output:
    returns [points, triangles], with points as list of np.array with 3 floats per point and triangles as a list of np.array with 3 int per triangle (0-based indices to points)

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Function: Move

Move(g, pOff, Aoff)

  • function description:
    add rigid body transformation to GraphicsData, using position offset (global) pOff (list or np.array) and rotation Aoff (transforms local to global coordinates; list of lists or np.array); see Aoff how to scale coordinates!
  • input:
    g: graphicsData to be transformed
    pOff: 3D offset as list or numpy.array added to rotated points
    Aoff: 3D rotation matrix as list of lists or numpy.array with shape (3,3); if A is scaled by factor, e.g. using 0.001*np.eye(3), you can also scale the coordinates!!!
  • output:
    returns new graphcsData object to be used for drawing in objects
  • notes:
    transformation corresponds to HomogeneousTransformation(Aoff, pOff), transforming original coordinates v into vNew = pOff + Aoff @ v

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Function: MergeTriangleLists

MergeTriangleLists(g1, g2)

  • function description:
    merge 2 different graphics data with triangle lists
  • input:
    graphicsData dictionaries g1 and g2 obtained from GraphicsData functions
  • output:
    one graphicsData dictionary with single triangle lists and compatible points and normals, to be used in visualization of EXUDYN objects; edges are merged; edgeColor is taken from graphicsData g1

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Function: FromSTLfileASCII

FromSTLfileASCII(fileName, color = [0.,0.,0.,1.], verbose = False, invertNormals = True, invertTriangles = True)

  • function description:
    generate graphics data from STL file (text format!) and use color for visualization; this function is slow, use stl binary files with FromSTLfile(…)
  • input:
    fileName: string containing directory and filename of STL-file (in text / SCII format) to load
    color: provided as list of 4 RGBA values
    verbose: if True, useful information is provided during reading
    invertNormals: if True, orientation of normals (usually pointing inwards in STL mesh) are inverted for compatibility in Exudyn
    invertTriangles: if True, triangle orientation (based on local indices) is inverted for compatibility in Exudyn
  • output:
    creates graphicsData, inverting the STL graphics regarding normals and triangle orientations (interchanged 2nd and 3rd component of triangle index)

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Function: FromSTLfile

FromSTLfile(fileName, color = [0.,0.,0.,1.], verbose = False, density = 0., scale = 1., Aoff = [], pOff = [], invertNormals = True, invertTriangles = True)

  • function description:
    generate graphics data from STL file, allowing text or binary format; requires numpy-stl to be installed; additionally can scale, rotate and translate
  • input:
    fileName: string containing directory and filename of STL-file (in text / SCII format) to load
    color: provided as list of 4 RGBA values
    verbose: if True, useful information is provided during reading
    density: if given and if verbose, mass, volume, inertia, etc. are computed
    scale: point coordinates are transformed by scaling factor
    invertNormals: if True, orientation of normals (usually pointing inwards in STL mesh) are inverted for compatibility in Exudyn
    invertTriangles: if True, triangle orientation (based on local indices) is inverted for compatibility in Exudyn
  • output:
    creates graphicsData, inverting the STL graphics regarding normals and triangle orientations (interchanged 2nd and 3rd component of triangle index)
  • notes:
    the model is first scaled, then rotated, then the offset pOff is added; finally min, max, mass, volume, inertia, com are computed!

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Function: AddEdgesAndSmoothenNormals

AddEdgesAndSmoothenNormals(graphicsData, edgeColor =, edgeAngle = 0.25*pi, pointTolerance = 5, addEdges = True, smoothNormals = True, roundDigits = 5, triangleColor = [])

  • function description:
    compute and return GraphicsData with edges and smoothend normals for mesh consisting of points and triangles (e.g., as returned from GraphicsData2PointsAndTrigs)
    graphicsData: single GraphicsData object of type TriangleList; existing edges are ignored
    edgeColor: optional color for edges
    edgeAngle: angle above which edges are added to geometry
    roundDigits: number of digits, relative to max dimensions of object, at which points are assumed to be equal
    smoothNormals: if True, algorithm tries to smoothen normals at vertices; otherwise, uses triangle normals
    addEdges: if True, edges are added in TriangleList of GraphicsData
    triangleColor: if triangleColor is set to a RGBA color, this color is used for the new triangle mesh throughout
  • output:
    returns GraphicsData with added edges and smoothed normals
  • notes:
    this function is suitable for STL import; it assumes that all colors in graphicsData are the same and only takes the first color!

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Function: ExportSTL

ExportSTL(graphicsData, fileName, solidName = 'ExudynSolid', invertNormals = True, invertTriangles = True)

  • function description:
    export given graphics data (only type TriangleList allowed!) to STL ascii file using fileName
  • input:
    graphicsData: a single GraphicsData dictionary with type=’TriangleList’, no list of GraphicsData
    fileName: file name including (local) path to export STL file
    solidName: optional name used in STL file
    invertNormals: if True, orientation of normals (usually pointing inwards in STL mesh) are inverted for compatibility in Exudyn
    invertTriangles: if True, triangle orientation (based on local indices) is inverted for compatibility in Exudyn

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