Module: solver

The solver module provides interfaces to static, dynamic and eigenvalue solvers. Most of the solvers are implemented inside the C++ core.

  • Author: Johannes Gerstmayr

  • Date: 2020-12-02

  • Notes: Solver functions are included directly in exudyn and can be used with exu.SolveStatic(…)

Function: SolverErrorMessage

SolverErrorMessage(solver, mbs, isStatic = False, showCausingObjects = True, showCausingNodes = True, showHints = True)

  • function description:
    (internal) helper function for unique error and helper messages

Function: SolveStatic

SolveStatic(mbs, simulationSettings = exudyn.SimulationSettings(), updateInitialValues = False, storeSolver = True, showHints = False, showCausingItems = True)

  • NOTE: this function is directly available in MainSystem (mbs); it should be directly called as mbs.SolveStatic(…). For description of the interface, see the MainSystem Python extensions, Function: SolveStatic

Function: SolveDynamic

SolveDynamic(mbs, simulationSettings = exudyn.SimulationSettings(), solverType = exudyn.DynamicSolverType.GeneralizedAlpha, updateInitialValues = False, storeSolver = True, showHints = False, showCausingItems = True)

  • NOTE: this function is directly available in MainSystem (mbs); it should be directly called as mbs.SolveDynamic(…). For description of the interface, see the MainSystem Python extensions, Function: SolveDynamic

Function: SolverSuccess


  • function description:
    return success (True/False) and error message of solver after SolveSteps(…), SolveSystem(…), SolveDynamic(…) or SolveStatic(…) have been called. May also be set if other higher level functions called e.g. SolveSystem(…)
  • input:
    solverStructure: solver structure, as stored in mbs.sys or as created e.g. by exudyn.MainSolverExplicit()
  • output:
    [success, errorString], returns success=True or False and in case of no success, information is provided in errorString
  • example:
#assume MainSystem mbs, exu library and simulationSettings:
    [success, msg] = exu.SolverSuccess(mbs.sys['dynamicSolver'])
    print('error message=',msg)
[success, msg] = exu.SolverSuccess(solver)

Function: ComputeLinearizedSystem

ComputeLinearizedSystem(mbs, simulationSettings = exudyn.SimulationSettings(), projectIntoConstraintNullspace = False, singularValuesTolerance = 1e-12, returnConstraintJacobian = False, returnConstraintNullspace = False)

  • NOTE: this function is directly available in MainSystem (mbs); it should be directly called as mbs.ComputeLinearizedSystem(…). For description of the interface, see the MainSystem Python extensions, Function: ComputeLinearizedSystem

Function: ComputeODE2Eigenvalues

ComputeODE2Eigenvalues(mbs, simulationSettings = exudyn.SimulationSettings(), useSparseSolver = False, numberOfEigenvalues = 0, constrainedCoordinates = [], convert2Frequencies = False, useAbsoluteValues = True, computeComplexEigenvalues = False, ignoreAlgebraicEquations = False, singularValuesTolerance = 1e-12)

  • NOTE: this function is directly available in MainSystem (mbs); it should be directly called as mbs.ComputeODE2Eigenvalues(…). For description of the interface, see the MainSystem Python extensions, Function: ComputeODE2Eigenvalues

Function: ComputeSystemDegreeOfFreedom

ComputeSystemDegreeOfFreedom(mbs, simulationSettings = exudyn.SimulationSettings(), threshold = 1e-12, verbose = False, useSVD = False)

  • NOTE: this function is directly available in MainSystem (mbs); it should be directly called as mbs.ComputeSystemDegreeOfFreedom(…). For description of the interface, see the MainSystem Python extensions, Function: ComputeSystemDegreeOfFreedom

Function: CheckSolverInfoStatistics

CheckSolverInfoStatistics(solverName, infoStat, numberOfEvaluations)

  • function description:
    helper function for solvers to check e.g. if high number of memory allocations happened during simulation
    This can happen, if large amount of sensors are attached and output is written in every time step
  • input:
    stat=exudyn.InfoStat() from previous step, numberOfEvaluations is a counter which is proportional to number of RHS evaluations in method