Module: robotics.models

This module contains robotics models; They can be imported by simply calling the functions, which return the according robot dictionary; the library is built on Denavit-Hartenberg Parameters and Homogeneous Transformations (HT) to describe transformations and coordinate systems

  • Date: 2021-01-10

Function: Manipulator4Rsimple


  • function description:
    generate 4R manipulator as myRobot dictionary, settings are done in function
  • output:
    myRobot dictionary
  • author:
    Martin Sereinig
  • notes:
    the 4th joint is used to simulate a paralell kinematics manipulator

Function: Manipulator3RSimple


  • function description:
    generate 3R manipulator as myRobot dictionary, settings are done in function
  • output:
    myRobot dictionary
  • author:
    Martin Sereinig
  • notes:
    DH-parameters: [theta, d, a, alpha], according to P. Corke
    Values according to Wörnle simple example with l1=0
    d=[h1 0 0];
    theta=[beta1 beta2 beta3];
    a=[l1 l2 l3];
    alpha=[pi/2 0 0];

Function: ManipulatorPANDA


  • function description:
    generate Franka Emika Panda manipulator as myRobot dictionary, settings are done in function
  • output:
    myRobot dictionary
  • author:
    Martin Sereinig
  • notes:
    all Parameter according to Gaz et. al
    DH-parameters(std): [theta, d, a, alpha], according to P. Corke
    Standard DH Parameters, masses, inertias and com according P.Corke and Gaz et. al (they working with modified DH parameter)
    changes to standard DH Parameter checked with P.Corke toolbox

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: ManipulatorUR5


  • function description:
    generate UR5 manipulator as myRobot dictionary, settings are done in function
  • output:
    myRobot dictionary
  • author:
    Martin Sereinig
  • notes:
    define myRobot kinematics, UR5 Universal Robotics,
    Standard DH-parameters: [theta, d, a, alpha], according to P. Corke,
    Links modeld as cylindrical tubes, Inertia from Parham M. Kebria2016 / Kuefeta2014

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: ManipulatorPuma560


  • function description:
    generate puma560 manipulator as myRobot dictionary, settings are done in function
  • output:
    myRobot dictionary
  • author:
    Martin Sereinig
  • notes:
    std DH-parameters: [theta, d, a, alpha], according to P. Corke page 138,
    puma p560 limits, taken from Corke Visual Control of Robots

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: LinkDict2Robot

LinkDict2Robot(robotLinkDict, robotClass = None)

  • function description:
    generate serial manipulator as robotClass object from robotLinkDict
  • input:
    robotClass: robot class object from roboticsCore; if robotClass is provided, gravity, tool and base are used from there
    robotLinkDict: list of robot links generated by manipulator import for individual robot dictionary
  • output:
    updated robot class
  • author:
    Martin Sereinig
  • notes:
    DH Parameter Information
    stdH = [theta, d, a, alpha] with Rz(theta) * Tz(d) * Tx(a) * Rx(alpha)
    modDH = [alpha, dx, theta, rz] with
    used by Corke and Lynch: Rx(alpha) * Tx(a) * Rz(theta) * Tz(d)
    used by Khali: Rx(alpha) * Tx(d) * Rz(theta) * Tz(r)
    Important note: d(khali)=a(corke) and r(khali)=d(corke)

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: LinkDictModDHKK2Robot

LinkDictModDHKK2Robot(robotLinkDict, robotClass = None)

  • function description:
    special test function to generate serial manipulator as robotClass object from robotLinkDict using inertia parameters defined in stdDH coordinates, but creating robot from modDHKK; will be ERASED in future
  • input:
    robotLinkDict: list of robot links generated by manipulator import for individual robot dictionary
    robotClass: robot class object from roboticsCore; if robotClass is provided, gravity, tool and base are used from there
  • output:
    updated robot class
  • author:
    Martin Sereinig
  • notes:
    DEPRECATED; function uses modDHKK in robotLinkDict for creation, transforms inertia parameters; should only be used for testing!