Module: signalProcessing
The signal library supports processing of signals for import (e.g. measurement data) and for filtering result data.
Date: 2020-12-10
Notes: This module is still under construction and should be used with care!
Function: FilterSensorOutput
, filterWindow = 5
, polyOrder = 3
, derivative = 0
, centralDifferentiate = True
- function description:filter output of sensors (using numpy savgol filter) as well as numerical differentiation to compute derivative of signal
- input:
: numpy array (2D array with column-wise storage of signals, as exported by EXUDYN position, displacement, etc. sensors); first column = time, other columns = signals to operate on; note that it is assumed, that time devided in almost constant steps!derivative
: 0=no derivative, 1=first derivative, 2=second derivative, etc. (>2 only possible with filter)polyOrder
: order of polynomial for interpolation filteringfilterWindow
: if zero: produces unfiltered derivative; if positive, must be ODD integer {1,3,5,…} and > polyOrder; filterWindow determines the length of the filter window (e.g., to get rid of noise)centralDifferentiate
: if True, it uses a central differentiation for first order, unfiltered derivatives; leads to less phase shift of signal! - output:numpy array containing same columns, but with filtered signal and according derivatives
Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:
Function: FilterSignal
, samplingRate = -1
, filterWindow = 5
, polyOrder = 3
, derivative = 0
, centralDifferentiate = True
- function description:filter 1D signal (using numpy savgol filter) as well as numerical differentiation to compute derivative of signal
- input:
: 1D numpy arraysamplingRate
: (time increment) of signal values, needed for derivativesderivative
: 0=no derivative, 1=first derivative, 2=second derivative, etc. (>2 only possible with filter)polyOrder
: order of polynomial for interpolation filteringfilterWindow
: if zero: produces unfiltered derivative; if positive, must be ODD integer {1,3,5,…} and > polyOrder; filterWindow determines the length of the filter window (e.g., to get rid of noise)centralDifferentiate
: if True, it uses a central differentiation for first order, unfiltered derivatives; leads to less phase shift of signal! - output:numpy array containing same columns, but with filtered signal and according derivatives
Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:
Function: ComputeFFT
, data
- function description:computes fast-fourier-transform (FFT) resulting in frequency, magnitude and phase of signal data using numpy.fft of numpy
- input:time … time vector in SECONDS in numpy format, having constant sampling rate (not checked!)data … data vector in numpy format
- output:frequency … frequency vector (Hz, if time is in SECONDS)magnitude … magnitude vectorphase … phase vector (in radiant)
- author:Stefan Holzinger
- date:02.04.2020
Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:
Function: GetInterpolatedSignalValue
, dataArray
, timeArray = []
, dataArrayIndex = -1
, timeArrayIndex = -1
, rangeWarning = True
, tolerance = 1e-6
- function description:Interpolate signal having time values with constant sampling rate in timeArray and according data in dataArray
- input:
: time at which the data should be evaluateddataArray
: 1D numpy array containing data values to be interpolated [alternatively: 2D numpy array, rows containg the data of the according time point; use dataArrayColumnIndex to specify the column of requested data]timeArray
: 1D numpy array containing time values with CONSTANT SAMPLING RATE to be interpolated [alternatively: 2D numpy array, rows containg the time and data of the according time point; use timeArrayColumnIndex to specify the column representing time]; if timeArray is empty list [], dataArray is used instead!rangeWarning
: print warning if resulting index gets out of rangedataArrayColumnIndex
: in case of 2D arrays, this represents the column of the requested datatimeArrayColumnIndex
: in case of 2D arrays, this represents the column of time valuestolerance
: this tolerance is used to check, if the timeArray has equidistant interpolation and if the found indices are correct; use e.g. 1e10 in order to ignore this tolerance - output:interpolated value
- notes:for interpolation of data WITHOUT constant data rate, use numpy.interp(time, timeArray, dataArray) in case that timeArray and dataArray are 1D arrays