Module: rigidBodyUtilities

Advanced utility/mathematical functions for reference frames, rigid body kinematics and dynamics. Useful Euler parameter and Tait-Bryan angle conversion functions are included. A class for rigid body inertia creating and transformation is available.

  • Author: Johannes Gerstmayr, Stefan Holzinger (rotation vector and Tait-Bryan angles)

  • Date: 2020-03-10 (created)

Function: ComputeOrthonormalBasisVectors


  • function description:
    compute orthogonal basis vectors (normal1, normal2) for given vector0 (non-unique solution!); the length of vector0 must not be 1; if vector0 == [0,0,0], then any normal basis is returned
  • output:
    returns [vector0normalized, normal1, normal2], in which vector0normalized is the normalized vector0 (has unit length); all vectors in numpy array format

Function: ComputeOrthonormalBasis


  • function description:
    compute orthogonal basis, in which the normalized vector0 is the first column and the other columns are normals to vector0 (non-unique solution!); the length of vector0 must not be 1; if vector0 == [0,0,0], then any normal basis is returned
  • output:
    returns A, a rotation matrix, in which the first column is parallel to vector0; A is a 2D numpy array

Function: GramSchmidt

GramSchmidt(vector0, vector1)

  • function description:
    compute Gram-Schmidt projection of given 3D vector 1 on vector 0 and return normalized triad (vector0, vector1, vector0 x vector1)

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: Skew


  • function description:
    compute skew symmetric 3x3-matrix from 3x1- or 1x3-vector

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: Skew2Vec


  • function description:
    convert skew symmetric matrix m to vector

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: ComputeSkewMatrix


  • function description:
    compute skew matrix from vector or matrix; used for ObjectFFRF and CMS implementation
  • input:
    a vector v in np.array format, containing 3*n components or a matrix with m columns of same shape
  • output:
    if v is a vector, output is (3*n x 3) skew matrix in np.array format; if v is a (n x m) matrix, the output is a (3*n x m) skew matrix in np.array format

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: EulerParameters2G


  • function description:
    convert Euler parameters (ep) to G-matrix (=\(\partial \tomega / \partial {\mathbf{p}}_t\))
  • input:
    vector of 4 eulerParameters as list or np.array
  • output:
    3x4 matrix G as np.array

Function: EulerParameters2GLocal


  • function description:
    convert Euler parameters (ep) to local G-matrix (=\(\partial \LU{b}{\tomega} / \partial {\mathbf{p}}_t\))
  • input:
    vector of 4 eulerParameters as list or np.array
  • output:
    3x4 matrix G as np.array

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: EulerParameters2RotationMatrix


  • function description:
    compute rotation matrix from eulerParameters
  • input:
    vector of 4 eulerParameters as list or np.array
  • output:
    3x3 rotation matrix as np.array

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: RotationMatrix2EulerParameters


  • function description:
    compute Euler parameters from given rotation matrix
  • input:
    3x3 rotation matrix as list of lists or as np.array
  • output:
    vector of 4 eulerParameters as np.array

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: AngularVelocity2EulerParameters_t

AngularVelocity2EulerParameters_t(angularVelocity, eulerParameters)

  • function description:
    compute time derivative of Euler parameters from (global) angular velocity vector
    note that for Euler parameters \({\mathbf{p}}\), we have \(\tomega={\mathbf{G}} \dot {\mathbf{p}}\) ==> \({\mathbf{G}}^T \tomega = {\mathbf{G}}^T\cdot {\mathbf{G}}\cdot \dot {\mathbf{p}}\) ==> \({\mathbf{G}}^T {\mathbf{G}}=4({\mathbf{I}}_{4 \times 4} - {\mathbf{p}}\cdot {\mathbf{p}}^T)\dot{\mathbf{p}} = 4 ({\mathbf{I}}_{4x4}) \dot {\mathbf{p}}\)
  • input:
    angularVelocity: 3D vector of angular velocity in global frame, as lists or as np.array
    eulerParameters: vector of 4 eulerParameters as np.array or list
  • output:
    vector of time derivatives of 4 eulerParameters as np.array

Function: RotationVector2RotationMatrix


  • function description:
    rotaton matrix from rotation vector, see appendix B in
  • input:
    3D rotation vector as list or np.array
  • output:
    3x3 rotation matrix as np.array
  • notes:
    gets inaccurate for very large rotations, \(\phi \\gg 2*\pi\)

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: RotationMatrix2RotationVector


  • function description:
    compute rotation vector from rotation matrix
  • input:
    3x3 rotation matrix as list of lists or as np.array
  • output:
    vector of 3 components of rotation vector as np.array

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: ComputeRotationAxisFromRotationVector


  • function description:
    compute rotation axis from given rotation vector
  • input:
    3D rotation vector as np.array
  • output:
    3D vector as np.array representing the rotation axis

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: RotationVector2G


  • function description:
    convert rotation vector (parameters) (v) to G-matrix (=\(\partial \tomega / \partial \dot {\mathbf{v}}\))
  • input:
    vector of rotation vector (len=3) as list or np.array
  • output:
    3x3 matrix G as np.array

Function: RotationVector2GLocal


  • function description:
    convert rotation vector (parameters) (v) to local G-matrix (=\(\partial \LU{b}{\tomega} / \partial {\mathbf{v}}_t\))
  • input:
    vector of rotation vector (len=3) as list or np.array
  • output:
    3x3 matrix G as np.array

Function: RotXYZ2RotationMatrix


  • function description:
    compute rotation matrix from consecutive xyz Rot (Tait-Bryan angles); A=Ax*Ay*Az; rot=[rotX, rotY, rotZ]
  • input:
    3D vector of Tait-Bryan rotation parameters [X,Y,Z] in radiant
  • output:
    3x3 rotation matrix as np.array

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: RotationMatrix2RotXYZ


  • function description:
    convert rotation matrix to xyz Euler angles (Tait-Bryan angles); A=Ax*Ay*Az;
  • input:
    3x3 rotation matrix as list of lists or np.array
  • output:
    vector of Tait-Bryan rotation parameters [X,Y,Z] (in radiant) as np.array
  • notes:
    due to gimbal lock / singularity at rot[1] = pi/2, -pi/2, … the reconstruction of
    RotationMatrix2RotXYZ( RotXYZ2RotationMatrix(rot) ) may fail, but
    RotXYZ2RotationMatrix( RotationMatrix2RotXYZ( RotXYZ2RotationMatrix(rot) ) ) works always

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: RotXYZ2G


  • function description:
    compute (global-frame) G-matrix for xyz Euler angles (Tait-Bryan angles) (\(\LU{0}{{\mathbf{G}}} = \partial \LU{0}{\tomega} / \partial \dot \ttheta\))
  • input:
    3D vector of Tait-Bryan rotation parameters [X,Y,Z] in radiant
  • output:
    3x3 matrix G as np.array

Function: RotXYZ2G_t

RotXYZ2G_t(rot, rot_t)

  • function description:
    compute time derivative of (global-frame) G-matrix for xyz Euler angles (Tait-Bryan angles) (\(\LU{0}{{\mathbf{G}}} = \partial \LU{0}{\tomega} / \partial \dot \ttheta\))
  • input:
    rot: 3D vector of Tait-Bryan rotation parameters [X,Y,Z] in radiant
    rot_t: 3D vector of time derivative of Tait-Bryan rotation parameters [X,Y,Z] in radiant/s
  • output:
    3x3 matrix G_t as np.array

Function: RotXYZ2GLocal


  • function description:
    compute local (body-fixed) G-matrix for xyz Euler angles (Tait-Bryan angles) (\(\LU{b}{{\mathbf{G}}} = \partial \LU{b}{\tomega} / \partial \ttheta_t\))
  • input:
    3D vector of Tait-Bryan rotation parameters [X,Y,Z] in radiant
  • output:
    3x3 matrix GLocal as np.array

Function: RotXYZ2GLocal_t

RotXYZ2GLocal_t(rot, rot_t)

  • function description:
    compute time derivative of (body-fixed) G-matrix for xyz Euler angles (Tait-Bryan angles) (\(\LU{b}{{\mathbf{G}}} = \partial \LU{b}{\tomega} / \partial \ttheta_t\))
  • input:
    rot: 3D vector of Tait-Bryan rotation parameters [X,Y,Z] in radiant
    rot_t: 3D vector of time derivative of Tait-Bryan rotation parameters [X,Y,Z] in radiant/s
  • output:
    3x3 matrix GLocal_t as np.array

Function: AngularVelocity2RotXYZ_t

AngularVelocity2RotXYZ_t(angularVelocity, rotation)

  • function description:
    compute time derivatives of angles RotXYZ from (global) angular velocity vector and given rotation
  • input:
    angularVelocity: global angular velocity vector as list or np.array
    rotation: 3D vector of Tait-Bryan rotation parameters [X,Y,Z] in radiant
  • output:
    time derivative of vector of Tait-Bryan rotation parameters [X,Y,Z] (in radiant) as np.array

Function: RotXYZ2EulerParameters


  • function description:
    compute four Euler parameters from given RotXYZ angles, see
  • input:
    alpha: 3D vector as np.array containing RotXYZ angles
  • output:
    4D vector as np.array containing four Euler parameters
    entry zero of output represent the scalar part of Euler parameters

Function: RotationMatrix2RotZYZ

RotationMatrix2RotZYZ(rotationMatrix, flip)

  • function description:
    convert rotation matrix to zyz Euler angles; A=Az*Ay*Az;
  • input:
    rotationMatrix: 3x3 rotation matrix as list of lists or np.array
    flip: argument to choose first Euler angle to be in quadrant 2 or 3.
  • output:
    vector of Euler rotation parameters [Z,Y,Z] (in radiant) as np.array
  • author:
    Martin Sereinig
  • notes:
    tested (compared with Robotics, Vision and Control book of P. Corke)

Function: RotationMatrixX


  • function description:
    compute rotation matrix w.r.t. X-axis (first axis)
  • input:
    angle around X-axis in radiant
  • output:
    3x3 rotation matrix as np.array

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: RotationMatrixY


  • function description:
    compute rotation matrix w.r.t. Y-axis (second axis)
  • input:
    angle around Y-axis in radiant
  • output:
    3x3 rotation matrix as np.array

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: RotationMatrixZ


  • function description:
    compute rotation matrix w.r.t. Z-axis (third axis)
  • input:
    angle around Z-axis in radiant
  • output:
    3x3 rotation matrix as np.array

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: HomogeneousTransformation

HomogeneousTransformation(A, r)

  • function description:
    compute HT matrix from rotation matrix A and translation vector r

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Function: HTtranslate


  • function description:
    HT for translation with vector r

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Function: HTtranslateX


  • function description:
    HT for translation along x axis with value x

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Function: HTtranslateY


  • function description:
    HT for translation along y axis with value y

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Function: HTtranslateZ


  • function description:
    HT for translation along z axis with value z

Function: HT0


  • function description:
    identity HT:

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Function: HTrotateX


  • function description:
    HT for rotation around axis X (first axis)

Function: HTrotateY


  • function description:
    HT for rotation around axis X (first axis)

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: HTrotateZ


  • function description:
    HT for rotation around axis X (first axis)

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Function: HT2translation


  • function description:
    return translation part of HT

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Function: HT2rotationMatrix


  • function description:
    return rotation matrix of HT

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Function: InverseHT


  • function description:
    return inverse HT such that inv(T)*T = np.eye(4)

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Function: RotationX2T66


  • function description:
    compute 6x6 coordinate transformation matrix for rotation around X axis; output: first 3 components for rotation, second 3 components for translation! See Featherstone / Handbook of robotics

Function: RotationY2T66


  • function description:
    compute 6x6 transformation matrix for rotation around Y axis; output: first 3 components for rotation, second 3 components for translation

Function: RotationZ2T66


  • function description:
    compute 6x6 transformation matrix for rotation around Z axis; output: first 3 components for rotation, second 3 components for translation

Function: Translation2T66


  • function description:
    compute 6x6 transformation matrix for translation according to 3D vector translation3D; output: first 3 components for rotation, second 3 components for translation!

Function: TranslationX2T66


  • function description:
    compute 6x6 transformation matrix for translation along X axis; output: first 3 components for rotation, second 3 components for translation!

Function: TranslationY2T66


  • function description:
    compute 6x6 transformation matrix for translation along Y axis; output: first 3 components for rotation, second 3 components for translation!

Function: TranslationZ2T66


  • function description:
    compute 6x6 transformation matrix for translation along Z axis; output: first 3 components for rotation, second 3 components for translation!

Function: T66toRotationTranslation


  • function description:
    convert 6x6 coordinate transformation (Plücker transform) into rotation and translation
  • input:
    T66 given as 6x6 numpy array
  • output:
    [A, v] with 3x3 rotation matrix A and 3D translation vector v

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: InverseT66toRotationTranslation


  • function description:
    convert inverse 6x6 coordinate transformation (Plücker transform) into rotation and translation
  • input:
    inverse T66 given as 6x6 numpy array
  • output:
    [A, v] with 3x3 rotation matrix A and 3D translation vector v

Function: RotationTranslation2T66

RotationTranslation2T66(A, v)

  • function description:
    convert rotation and translation into 6x6 coordinate transformation (Plücker transform)
  • input:
    A: 3x3 rotation matrix A
    v: 3D translation vector v
  • output:
    return 6x6 transformation matrix ‘T66’

Function: RotationTranslation2T66Inverse

RotationTranslation2T66Inverse(A, v)

  • function description:
    convert rotation and translation into INVERSE 6x6 coordinate transformation (Plücker transform)
  • input:
    A: 3x3 rotation matrix A
    v: 3D translation vector v
  • output:
    return 6x6 transformation matrix ‘T66’

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: T66toHT


  • function description:
    convert 6x6 coordinate transformation (Plücker transform) into 4x4 homogeneous transformation; NOTE that the homogeneous transformation is the inverse of what is computed in function pluho() of Featherstone
  • input:
    T66 given as 6x6 numpy array
  • output:
    homogeneous transformation (4x4 numpy array)

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: HT2T66Inverse


  • function description:
    convert 4x4 homogeneous transformation into 6x6 coordinate transformation (Plücker transform); NOTE that the homogeneous transformation is the inverse of what is computed in function pluho() of Featherstone
  • output:
    input: T66 (6x6 numpy array)

Function: InertiaTensor2Inertia6D


  • function description:
    convert a 3x3 matrix (list or numpy array) into a list with 6 inertia components, sorted as J00, J11, J22, J12, J02, J01

Function: Inertia6D2InertiaTensor


  • function description:
    convert a list or numpy array with 6 inertia components (sorted as [J00, J11, J22, J12, J02, J01]) (list or numpy array) into a 3x3 matrix (np.array)

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: StrNodeType2NodeType


  • function description:
    convert string into exudyn.NodeType; call e.g. with ‘NodeType.RotationEulerParameters’ or ‘RotationEulerParameters’
  • notes:
    function is not very fast, so should be avoided in time-critical situations

Function: GetRigidBodyNode

GetRigidBodyNode(nodeType, position = [0,0,0], velocity = [0,0,0], rotationMatrix = [], rotationParameters = [], angularVelocity = [0,0,0])

  • function description:
    get node item interface according to nodeType, using initialization with position, velocity, angularVelocity and rotationMatrix
  • input:
    nodeType: a node type according to exudyn.NodeType, or a string of it, e.g., ‘NodeType.RotationEulerParameters’ (fastest, but additional algebraic constraint equation), ‘NodeType.RotationRxyz’ (Tait-Bryan angles, singularity for second angle at +/- 90 degrees), ‘NodeType.RotationRotationVector’ (used for Lie group integration)
    position: reference position as list or numpy array with 3 components (in global/world frame)
    velocity: initial translational velocity as list or numpy array with 3 components (in global/world frame)
    rotationMatrix: 3x3 list or numpy matrix to define reference rotation; use EITHER rotationMatrix=[[…],[…],[…]] (while rotationParameters=[]) or rotationParameters=[…] (while rotationMatrix=[])
    rotationParameters: reference rotation parameters; use EITHER rotationMatrix=[[…],[…],[…]] (while rotationParameters=[]) or rotationParameters=[…] (while rotationMatrix=[])
    angularVelocity: initial angular velocity as list or numpy array with 3 components (in global/world frame)
  • output:
    returns list containing node number and body number: [nodeNumber, bodyNumber]

Function: AddRigidBody

AddRigidBody(mainSys, inertia, nodeType = exu.NodeType.RotationEulerParameters, position = [0,0,0], velocity = [0,0,0], rotationMatrix = [], rotationParameters = [], angularVelocity = [0,0,0], gravity = [0,0,0], graphicsDataList = [])

  • function description:
    DEPRECATED: adds a node (with str(exu.NodeType. …)) and body for a given rigid body; all quantities (esp. velocity and angular velocity) are given in global coordinates!
  • input:
    inertia: an inertia object as created by class RigidBodyInertia; containing mass, COM and inertia
    nodeType: a node type according to exudyn.NodeType, or a string of it, e.g., ‘NodeType.RotationEulerParameters’ (fastest, but additional algebraic constraint equation), ‘NodeType.RotationRxyz’ (Tait-Bryan angles, singularity for second angle at +/- 90 degrees), ‘NodeType.RotationRotationVector’ (used for Lie group integration)
    position: reference position as list or numpy array with 3 components (in global/world frame)
    velocity: initial translational velocity as list or numpy array with 3 components (in global/world frame)
    rotationMatrix: 3x3 list or numpy matrix to define reference rotation; use EITHER rotationMatrix=[[…],[…],[…]] (while rotationParameters=[]) or rotationParameters=[…] (while rotationMatrix=[])
    rotationParameters: reference rotation parameters; use EITHER rotationMatrix=[[…],[…],[…]] (while rotationParameters=[]) or rotationParameters=[…] (while rotationMatrix=[])
    angularVelocity: initial angular velocity as list or numpy array with 3 components (in global/world frame)
    gravity: if provided as list or numpy array with 3 components, it adds gravity force to the body at the COM, i.e., fAdd = m*gravity
    graphicsDataList: list of graphicsData objects to define appearance of body
  • output:
    returns list containing node number and body number: [nodeNumber, bodyNumber]
  • notes:
    DEPRECATED and will be removed; use MainSystem.CreateRigidBody(…) instead!

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: AddRevoluteJoint

AddRevoluteJoint(mbs, body0, body1, point, axis, useGlobalFrame = True, showJoint = True, axisRadius = 0.1, axisLength = 0.4)

  • function description:
    DEPRECATED (use MainSystem function instead): add revolute joint between two bodies; definition of joint position and axis in global coordinates (alternatively in body0 local coordinates) for reference configuration of bodies; all markers, markerRotation and other quantities are automatically computed
  • input:
    mbs: the MainSystem to which the joint and markers shall be added
    body0: a object number for body0, must be rigid body or ground object
    body1: a object number for body1, must be rigid body or ground object
    point: a 3D vector as list or np.array containing the global center point of the joint in reference configuration
    axis: a 3D vector as list or np.array containing the global rotation axis of the joint in reference configuration
    useGlobalFrame: if False, the point and axis vectors are defined in the local coordinate system of body0
  • output:
    returns list [oJoint, mBody0, mBody1], containing the joint object number, and the two rigid body markers on body0/1 for the joint
  • notes:
    DEPRECATED and will be removed; use MainSystem.CreateRevoluteJoint(…) instead!

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: AddPrismaticJoint

AddPrismaticJoint(mbs, body0, body1, point, axis, useGlobalFrame = True, showJoint = True, axisRadius = 0.1, axisLength = 0.4)

  • function description:
    DEPRECATED (use MainSystem function instead): add prismatic joint between two bodies; definition of joint position and axis in global coordinates (alternatively in body0 local coordinates) for reference configuration of bodies; all markers, markerRotation and other quantities are automatically computed
  • input:
    mbs: the MainSystem to which the joint and markers shall be added
    body0: a object number for body0, must be rigid body or ground object
    body1: a object number for body1, must be rigid body or ground object
    point: a 3D vector as list or np.array containing the global center point of the joint in reference configuration
    axis: a 3D vector as list or np.array containing the global translation axis of the joint in reference configuration
    useGlobalFrame: if False, the point and axis vectors are defined in the local coordinate system of body0
  • output:
    returns list [oJoint, mBody0, mBody1], containing the joint object number, and the two rigid body markers on body0/1 for the joint
  • notes:
    DEPRECATED and will be removed; use MainSystem.CreatePrismaticJoint(…) instead!

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

CLASS RigidBodyInertia (in module rigidBodyUtilities)

class description:

helper class for rigid body inertia (see also derived classes Inertia…). Provides a structure to define mass, inertia and center of mass (COM) of a rigid body. The inertia tensor and center of mass must correspond when initializing the body!

  • notes:
    in the default mode, inertiaTensorAtCOM = False, the inertia tensor must be provided with respect to the reference point; otherwise, it is given at COM; internally, the inertia tensor is always with respect to the reference point, not w.r.t. to COM!
  • example:
i0 = RigidBodyInertia(10,np.diag([1,2,3]))
i1 = i0.Rotated(RotationMatrixX(np.pi/2))
i2 = i1.Translated([1,0,0])

Class function: __init__

__init__(self, mass = 0, inertiaTensor = np.zeros([3,3]), com = np.zeros(3), inertiaTensorAtCOM = False)

  • classFunction:
    initialize RigidBodyInertia with scalar mass, 3x3 inertiaTensor (w.r.t. reference point!!!) and center of mass com
  • input:
    mass: mass of rigid body (dimensions need to be consistent, should be in SI-units)
    inertiaTensor: tensor given w.r.t.reference point, NOT of mass!
    com: center of mass relative to reference point, in same coordinate system as inertiaTensor

Class function: __add__

__add__(self, otherBodyInertia)

  • classFunction:
    add (+) operator allows adding another inertia information with SAME local coordinate system and reference point!
    only inertias with same center of rotation can be added!
  • example:
J = InertiaSphere(2,0.1) + InertiaRodX(1,2)

Class function: __iadd__

__iadd__(self, otherBodyInertia)

  • classFunction:
    += operator allows adding another inertia information with SAME local coordinate system and reference point!
    only inertias with same center of rotation can be added!
  • example:
J = InertiaSphere(2,0.1)
J += InertiaRodX(1,2)

Class function: SetWithCOMinertia

SetWithCOMinertia(self, mass, inertiaTensorCOM, com)

  • classFunction:
    set RigidBodyInertia with scalar mass, 3x3 inertiaTensor ( and center of mass com
  • input:
    mass: mass of rigid body (dimensions need to be consistent, should be in SI-units)
    inertiaTensorCOM: tensor given w.r.t.reference point, NOT of mass!
    com: center of mass relative to reference point, in same coordinate system as inertiaTensor

Class function: Inertia


  • classFunction:
    returns 3x3 inertia tensor with respect to chosen reference point (not necessarily COM)

Class function: InertiaCOM


  • classFunction:
    returns 3x3 inertia tensor with respect to COM

Class function: COM


  • classFunction:
    returns center of mass (COM) w.r.t. chosen reference point

Class function: Mass


  • classFunction:
    returns mass

Class function: Translated

Translated(self, vec)

  • classFunction:
    returns a RigidBodyInertia with center of mass com shifted by vec; \(\ra\) transforms the returned inertiaTensor to the new center of rotation

Class function: Rotated

Rotated(self, rot)

  • classFunction:
    returns a RigidBodyInertia rotated by 3x3 rotation matrix rot, such that for a given J, the new inertia tensor reads Jnew = rot*J*rot.T
  • notes:
    only allowed if COM=0 !

Class function: Transformed

Transformed(self, HT)

  • classFunction:
    return rigid body inertia transformed by homogeneous transformation HT

Class function: GetInertia6D


  • classFunction:
    get vector with 6 inertia components (Jxx, Jyy, Jzz, Jyz, Jxz, Jxy) as needed in ObjectRigidBody

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

CLASS InertiaCuboid(RigidBodyInertia) (in module rigidBodyUtilities)

class description:

create RigidBodyInertia with moment of inertia and mass of a cuboid with density and side lengths sideLengths along local axes 1, 2, 3; inertia w.r.t. center of mass, com=[0,0,0]

  • example:

Class function: __init__

__init__(self, density, sideLengths)

  • classFunction:
    initialize inertia

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

CLASS InertiaRodX(RigidBodyInertia) (in module rigidBodyUtilities)

class description:

create RigidBodyInertia with moment of inertia and mass of a rod with mass m and length L in local 1-direction (x-direction); inertia w.r.t. center of mass, com=[0,0,0]

Class function: __init__

__init__(self, mass, length)

  • classFunction:
    initialize inertia with mass and length of rod

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

CLASS InertiaMassPoint(RigidBodyInertia) (in module rigidBodyUtilities)

class description:

create RigidBodyInertia with moment of inertia and mass of mass point with ‘mass’; inertia w.r.t. center of mass, com=[0,0,0]

Class function: __init__

__init__(self, mass)

  • classFunction:
    initialize inertia with mass of point

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

CLASS InertiaSphere(RigidBodyInertia) (in module rigidBodyUtilities)

class description:

create RigidBodyInertia with moment of inertia and mass of sphere with mass and radius; inertia w.r.t. center of mass, com=[0,0,0]

Class function: __init__

__init__(self, mass, radius)

  • classFunction:
    initialize inertia with mass and radius of sphere

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

CLASS InertiaHollowSphere(RigidBodyInertia) (in module rigidBodyUtilities)

class description:

create RigidBodyInertia with moment of inertia and mass of hollow sphere with mass (concentrated at circumference) and radius; inertia w.r.t. center of mass, com=0

Class function: __init__

__init__(self, mass, radius)

  • classFunction:
    initialize inertia with mass and (inner==outer) radius of hollow sphere

CLASS InertiaCylinder(RigidBodyInertia) (in module rigidBodyUtilities)

class description:

create RigidBodyInertia with moment of inertia and mass of cylinder with density, length and outerRadius; axis defines the orientation of the cylinder axis (0=x-axis, 1=y-axis, 2=z-axis); for hollow cylinder use innerRadius != 0; inertia w.r.t. center of mass, com=[0,0,0]

Class function: __init__

__init__(self, density, length, outerRadius, axis, innerRadius = 0)

  • classFunction:
    initialize inertia with density, length, outer radius, axis (0=x-axis, 1=y-axis, 2=z-axis) and optional inner radius (for hollow cylinder)

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github: