Module: lieGroupBasics

Lie group methods and formulas for Lie group integration.

  • Author: Stefan Holzinger, Johannes Gerstmayr

  • Date: 2020-09-11

  • References:

    For details on Lie group methods used here, see the references . Lie group methods for rotation vector are described in Holzinger and Gerstmayr .

Function: Sinc


  • function description:
    compute the cardinal sine function in radians
  • input:
    scalar float or int value
  • output:
    float value in radians
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: Cot


  • function description:
    compute the cotangent function cot(x)=1/tan(x) in radians
  • input:
    scalar float or int value
  • output:
    float value in radians
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: R3xSO3Matrix2RotationMatrix


  • function description:
    computes 3x3 rotation matrix from 7x7 R3xSO(3) matrix, see
  • input:
    G: 7x7 matrix as np.array
  • output:
    3x3 rotation matrix as np.array
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: R3xSO3Matrix2Translation


  • function description:
    computes translation part of R3xSO(3) matrix, see
  • input:
    G: 7x7 matrix as np.array
  • output:
    3D vector as np.array containg translational part of R3xSO(3)
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: R3xSO3Matrix

R3xSO3Matrix(x, R)

  • function description:
    builds 7x7 matrix as element of the Lie group R3xSO(3), see
  • input:
    x: 3D vector as np.array representing the translation part corresponding to R3
    R: 3x3 rotation matrix as np.array
  • output:
    7x7 matrix as np.array
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: ExpSO3


  • function description:
    compute the matrix exponential map on the Lie group SO(3), see
  • input:
    3D rotation vector as np.array
  • output:
    3x3 matrix as np.array
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: ExpS3


  • function description:
    compute the quaternion exponential map on the Lie group S(3), see
  • input:
    3D rotation vector as np.array
  • output:
    4D vector as np.array containing four Euler parameters
    entry zero of output represent the scalar part of Euler parameters
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: LogSO3


  • function description:
    compute the matrix logarithmic map on the Lie group SO(3)
  • input:
    3x3 rotation matrix as np.array
  • output:
    3x3 skew symmetric matrix as np.array
  • author:
    Johannes Gerstmayr
  • notes:
    improved accuracy for very small angles as well as angles phi close to pi AS WELL AS at phi=pi

Function: TExpSO3


  • function description:
    compute the tangent operator corresponding to ExpSO3, see
  • input:
    3D rotation vector as np.array
  • output:
    3x3 matrix as np.array
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: TExpSO3Inv


  • function description:
    compute the inverse of the tangent operator TExpSO3, see
    this function was improved, see coordinateMaps.pdf by Stefan Holzinger
  • input:
    3D rotation vector as np.array
  • output:
    3x3 matrix as np.array
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: ExpSE3


  • function description:
    compute the matrix exponential map on the Lie group SE(3), see
  • input:
    6D incremental motion vector as np.array
  • output:
    4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix as np.array
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: LogSE3


  • function description:
    compute the matrix logarithm on the Lie group SE(3), see
  • input:
    4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix as np.array
  • output:
    4x4 skew symmetric matrix as np.array
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github:

Function: TExpSE3


  • function description:
    compute the tangent operator corresponding to ExpSE3, see
  • input:
    6D incremental motion vector as np.array
  • output:
    6x6 matrix as np.array
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger
  • notes:
    improved accuracy for very small angles as well as angles phi

Function: TExpSE3Inv


  • function description:
    compute the inverse of tangent operator TExpSE3, see
  • input:
    6D incremental motion vector as np.array
  • output:
    6x6 matrix as np.array
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger
  • notes:
    improved accuracy for very small angles as well as angles phi

Function: ExpR3xSO3


  • function description:
    compute the matrix exponential map on the Lie group R3xSO(3), see
  • input:
    6D incremental motion vector as np.array
  • output:
    7x7 matrix as np.array
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: TExpR3xSO3


  • function description:
    compute the tangent operator corresponding to ExpR3xSO3, see
  • input:
    6D incremental motion vector as np.array
  • output:
    6x6 matrix as np.array
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: TExpR3xSO3Inv


  • function description:
    compute the inverse of tangent operator TExpR3xSO3
  • input:
    6D incremental motion vector as np.array
  • output:
    6x6 matrix as np.array
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: CompositionRuleDirectProductR3AndS3

CompositionRuleDirectProductR3AndS3(q0, incrementalMotionVector)

  • function description:
    compute composition operation for pairs in the Lie group R3xS3
  • input:
    q0: 7D vector as np.array containing position coordinates and Euler parameters
    incrementalMotionVector: 6D incremental motion vector as np.array
  • output:
    7D vector as np.array containing composed position coordinates and composed Euler parameters
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: CompositionRuleSemiDirectProductR3AndS3

CompositionRuleSemiDirectProductR3AndS3(q0, incrementalMotionVector)

  • function description:
    compute composition operation for pairs in the Lie group R3 semiTimes S3 (corresponds to SE(3))
  • input:
    q0: 7D vector as np.array containing position coordinates and Euler parameters
    incrementalMotionVector: 6D incremental motion vector as np.array
  • output:
    7D vector as np.array containing composed position coordinates and composed Euler parameters
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: CompositionRuleDirectProductR3AndR3RotVec

CompositionRuleDirectProductR3AndR3RotVec(q0, incrementalMotionVector)

  • function description:
    compute composition operation for pairs in the group obtained from the direct product of R3 and R3, see
    the rotation vector is used as rotation parametrizations
    this composition operation can be used in formulations which represent the translational velocities in the global (inertial) frame
  • input:
    q0: 6D vector as np.array containing position coordinates and rotation vector
    incrementalMotionVector: 6D incremental motion vector as np.array
  • output:
    7D vector as np.array containing composed position coordinates and composed rotation vector
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: CompositionRuleSemiDirectProductR3AndR3RotVec

CompositionRuleSemiDirectProductR3AndR3RotVec(q0, incrementalMotionVector)

  • function description:
    compute composition operation for pairs in the group obtained from the direct product of R3 and R3.
    the rotation vector is used as rotation parametrizations
    this composition operation can be used in formulations which represent the translational velocities in the local (body-attached) frame
  • input:
    q0: 6D vector as np.array containing position coordinates and rotation vector
    incrementalMotionVector: 6D incremental motion vector as np.array
  • output:
    6D vector as np.array containing composed position coordinates and composed rotation vector
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: CompositionRuleDirectProductR3AndR3RotXYZAngles

CompositionRuleDirectProductR3AndR3RotXYZAngles(q0, incrementalMotionVector)

  • function description:
    compute composition operation for pairs in the group obtained from the direct product of R3 and R3.
    Cardan-Tait/Bryan (CTB) angles are used as rotation parametrizations
    this composition operation can be used in formulations which represent the translational velocities in the global (inertial) frame
  • input:
    q0: 6D vector as np.array containing position coordinates and Cardan-Tait/Bryan angles
    incrementalMotionVector: 6D incremental motion vector as np.array
  • output:
    6D vector as np.array containing composed position coordinates and composed Cardan-Tait/Bryan angles
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: CompositionRuleSemiDirectProductR3AndR3RotXYZAngles

CompositionRuleSemiDirectProductR3AndR3RotXYZAngles(q0, incrementalMotionVector)

  • function description:
    compute composition operation for pairs in the group obtained from the direct product of R3 and R3.
    Cardan-Tait/Bryan (CTB) angles are used as rotation parametrizations
    this composition operation can be used in formulations which represent the translational velocities in the local (body-attached) frame
  • input:
    q0: 6D vector as np.array containing position coordinates and Cardan-Tait/Bryan angles
    incrementalMotionVector: 6D incremental motion vector as np.array
  • output:
    6D vector as np.array containing composed position coordinates and composed Cardan-Tait/Bryan angles
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: CompositionRuleForEulerParameters

CompositionRuleForEulerParameters(q, p)

  • function description:
    compute composition operation for Euler parameters (unit quaternions)
    this composition operation is quaternion multiplication, see
  • input:
    q: 4D vector as np.array containing Euler parameters
    p: 4D vector as np.array containing Euler parameters
  • output:
    4D vector as np.array containing composed (multiplied) Euler parameters
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: CompositionRuleForRotationVectors

CompositionRuleForRotationVectors(v0, Omega)

  • function description:
    compute composition operation for rotation vectors v0 and Omega, see
  • input:
    v0: 3D rotation vector as np.array
    Omega: 3D (incremental) rotation vector as np.array
  • output:
    3D vector as np.array containing composed rotation vector v
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger

Function: CompositionRuleRotXYZAnglesRotationVector

CompositionRuleRotXYZAnglesRotationVector(alpha0, Omega)

  • function description:
    compute composition operation for RotXYZ angles, see
  • input:
    alpha0: 3D vector as np.array containing RotXYZ angles
    Omega: 3D vector as np.array containing the (incremental) rotation vector
  • output:
    3D vector as np.array containing composed RotXYZ angles
  • author:
    Stefan Holzinger