Module: robotics.rosInterface
This interface collects interfaces and functionality for ROS comunication This library is under construction (2023-05); To make use of this libraries, you need to install ROS (ROS1 noetic) including rospy Please consider following workflow: make sure to have a working ROS1-NOETIC installation, ROS2 is not supported yet tested only with ROS1-NOETIC, ubuntu 20.04, and Python 3.8.10 you find all ROS1 installation steps on: Step 1.4 we recommend to install: (sudo apt install ros-noetic-desktop) Check the installation of the turtlesim package (rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node ) if not installed: sudo apt install ros-noetic-turtlesim use a catkin workspace and build a ROS1 Package Follow instructions on: (recommend go trough step 1 to 6) Minimal example to use: create catkin workspace: mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make source devel/setup.bash build ROS package: cd ~/catkin_ws/src catkin_create_pkg my_pkg_name rospy roscpp std_msgs geometry_msgs sensor_msgs build catkin workspace and sourcing setup file cd ~/catkin_ws cakin_make source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash for more functionality see also:, ROSExampleBringup.launch,
Author: Martin Sereinig, Peter Manzl
Date: 2023-05-31 (created)
CLASS ROSInterface (in module robotics.rosInterface)
class description:
interface super class to establish a ROS Exudyn interface see specific class functions which can be used and extended by inheritance with class MyClass(ROSInterface)
- author:Martin Sereinig, Peter Manzl
- notes:some inspiration can be taken from
Class function: InitPublisher
, pubTopicName = ''
, pubType = Empty
, queueSize = 10
- classFunction:function to create a publisher
- input:
: topic name to publish, actual topic will be /exudyn/pubTopicNamepubType
: data type used in topicqueSize
: length of queue to hold messages, should be as small as sending frequency (= simulation sample time) - author:Martin Sereinig
- notes:find msgs types here
:// - example:
publisher for poses, pubType = PoseStamped,
publisher for system data, pubType = Float64MultiArray,
publisher for filtered force, pubType = WrenchStamped,
publisher for velocities, pubType = Twist,
Class function: ExuCallbackGeneric
, subTopicName
, data
- classFunction:function to create a generic callback function for a subscriber
- input:
: topic name generated by init Subscriberdata
: data structure for regarding individual topic - author:Peter Manzl
Class function: InitSubscriber
, subTopicNameSpace
, subTopicName
, subType
- classFunction:function to create a subscriber
- input:
: topic namespace: ‘exudyn/’subTopicName
: topic name to subscribesubType
: data type for topic to subscribe - author:Peter Manzl
: callback function will be automatic generated for each subscriber, dependingon subTopicName. Data will be found under self.subTopicName
Class function: CheckROSversion
- classFunction:check the current used ROS version
- author:Martin Sereinig
: just supports ROS1, ROS2 support will be given in future releases
Class function: PublishPoseUpdate
, mbs
, tExu
, getData = 'node'
- classFunction:Example method to be called once per frame/control cycle in Exudyn PreStepUserFunction
: reads sensor values, creates message, publish and subscribe to ROS - input:
: mbs (exudyn.exudynCPP.MainSystem), multi-body simulation system from exudyntExu
: tExu (float), elapsed time since simulation startgetData
: getData (string), get pose information from ‘node’ or from ‘sensor’ - author:Martin Sereinig
- notes:reads sensor values, creates message, publish and subscribe to ROSpublishing each and every step is too much, this would slow down the connection
: publish every few seconds, onlyfurthermore, as vrInterface is only updating the graphics with f=60Hz, we don’t have to updatesystem state every 1ms, so with f=1000Hz. Instead f=60Hz equivalents to update every 1/60=17mstiming variable to know when to send new command to robot or when to publish new mbs system state update
Class function: PublishTwistUpdate
, mbs
, tExu
, getData = 'node'
- classFunction:Example method to be called once per frame/control cycle in Exudyn PreStepUserFunction
: reads sensor values, creates message, publish and subscribe to ROS - input:
: mbs (exudyn.exudynCPP.MainSystem), multi-body simulation system from exudyntExu
: tExu (float), elapsed time since simulation startgetData
: getData (string), get pose information from ‘node’ or from ‘sensor’ - author:Martin Sereinig
- notes:reads sensor values, creates message, publish and subscribe to ROS
Class function: PublishSystemStateUpdate
, mbs
, tExu
- classFunction:method to be send system state data once per frame/control cycle in Exudyn PreStepUserFunction
- input:
: mbs (exudyn.exudynCPP.MainSystem), multi-body simulation system from exudyntExu
: tExu (float), simulation timesystemStateData
: systemStateData (list), full Exudyn SystemState - author:Martin Sereinig
: collects important exudyn system data and send it to ros-topic
Relevant Examples (Ex) and TestModels (TM) with weblink to github: (Ex), (Ex), (Ex)