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  2# This is an EXUDYN python example
  4# Details:  This example shows how to communicate between an Exudyn simulation and ROS
  5#           To make use of this example, you need to
  6#           install ROS (ROS1 noetic) including rospy (see
  7#           prerequisite to use:
  8#           use a bash terminal to start the roscore with:
  9#               roscore
 10#           then run the simulation:
 11#               python 3
 12#           You can use the prepared ROS node, ROSControlMobileManipulator to control the simulation
 13#           use a bash terminal to start the recommended file  (see folder Examples/supplementary):
 14#               python3
 15#           For even more ROS functionality create a ROS package (e.q. myExudynInterface) in a catkin workspace,
 16#           copy files, ROSbodykairos.stl and in corresponding folders within the package
 17#           For more functionality see also:, ROSBringupTurtle.launch, from the EXUDYN examples folder
 19# Author:   Martin Sereinig, Peter Manzl
 20# Date:     2023-05-31 (created)
 21# last Update: 2023-09-11
 22# Copyright:This file is part of Exudyn. Exudyn is free software.
 23# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Exudyn license.
 24# See 'LICENSE.txt' for more details.
 27# general imports
 28import numpy as np
 29import roboticstoolbox as rtb
 30from spatialmath import SE3
 32# exudyn imports
 33import exudyn as exu
 34from exudyn.utilities import * #includes itemInterface and rigidBodyUtilities
 35import as graphics #only import if it does not conflict
 36from exudyn.itemInterface import *
 37from exudyn.rigidBodyUtilities import *
 38from exudyn.graphicsDataUtilities import *
 39from exudyn.robotics import *
 40from exudyn.robotics.models import ManipulatorUR5, LinkDict2Robot
 41from exudyn.robotics.motion import Trajectory, ProfileConstantAcceleration, ProfilePTP
 42import exudyn.robotics.rosInterface as exuROS #exudyn ROS interface class
 43import as mobile
 45# ROS imports
 46from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
 47from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose
 48from std_msgs.msg import String
 51# here build inherited class and using within a simple exudyn simulation of one mass spring-damper
 52class MyExudynROSInterface(exuROS.ROSInterface):
 53    def __init__(self):
 54        # use initialisation of super class
 55        # this initialize a rosnode with name
 56        super().__init__(name='ROSMobileManipulator')
 57        # initialization of all standard publisher done by super class
 58        # use standard publisher functions form super class
 59        # initialize all subscriber
 60        # suitable callback function is auto generated by superclass (using lambda function)
 61        # twist subscriber: cmd_vel
 62        twistSubsrciberBase = ''
 63        twistSubsrciberTopic = 'cmd_vel'     # topic to subscribe
 64        self.cmd_vel = Twist()              # data type of topic, must be named: self.twistSubscriberTopic
 65        self.myTwistSubscriber = self.InitSubscriber(twistSubsrciberBase,twistSubsrciberTopic,Twist)
 66        # string subsriber: my_string
 67        stringSubsrciberBase = ''
 68        stringSubsrciberTopic = 'my_string'     # topic to subscribe
 69        self.my_string = String()              # data type of topic, must be named: self.twistSubscriberTopic
 70        self.myStringSubscriber = self.InitSubscriber(stringSubsrciberBase,stringSubsrciberTopic,String)
 71        # string subsriber: my_pose
 72        poseSubsrciberBase = ''
 73        poseSubsrciberTopic = 'my_pose'     # topic to subscribe
 74        self.my_pose = Pose()              # data type of topic, must be named: self.twistSubscriberTopic
 75        self.myPoseSubscriber = self.InitSubscriber(poseSubsrciberBase,poseSubsrciberTopic,Pose)
 78debugFlag = False  # turn prints on and off
 80# function to check (exudyn) module version
 81def checkInstall(moduleName):
 82    import importlib
 83    found = importlib.util.find_spec(moduleName) is not None
 84    if not(found):
 85        print('Error! Please install the module {} Version 1.7 or higher using \npip install {}==1.7'.format(moduleName, moduleName))
 86        return False
 87    else:
 88        return True
 90# function to control the mobile manipulator behavior
 91def functionStateMachine(t, posPlatform, ThetaPlatform, PosObj, armStatus, myState, myDict):
 92    # initialize variables
 93    v = [0.0,0.0,0]
 94    # with None no arm movement is performed
 95    TArm = None
 96    grasp = None
 97    # check robotC control string send via ROS
 98    robotControlString =
 99    if debugFlag:
100        if robotControlString!='':
101            print('robot control string: ', robotControlString)
102        else:
103            print('no robot control string')
104    if robotControlString == 'ms':
105        TArm = None
106        grasp = None
107        # get velocity data from ROS /cmd_vel topic, please use: rostopic pub -r 100 /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist "..."
108        rosLinearVelo = myROSInterface.cmd_vel.linear
109        rosAngularVelo = myROSInterface.cmd_vel.angular
110        v = [rosLinearVelo.x, rosLinearVelo.y, rosAngularVelo.z]
111    elif robotControlString == 'a':
112        # state for arm movement
113        v = [0.0,0.0,0]
114        ArmPosition = [myROSInterface.my_pose.position.x, myROSInterface.my_pose.position.y, myROSInterface.my_pose.position.z]
115        ArmOrientationQ = [myROSInterface.my_pose.orientation.w, myROSInterface.my_pose.orientation.x, myROSInterface.my_pose.orientation.y, myROSInterface.my_pose.orientation.z]
116        ArmOrientationR = EulerParameters2RotationMatrix(ArmOrientationQ)
117        # build homogenous transformation from rotation matrix existing rotation matrix
118        TArmRot = np.eye(4)
119        TArmRot[0:3,0:3] = ArmOrientationR
120        TArm = HTtranslate(ArmPosition) @ TArmRot
121    elif robotControlString == 'mk':
122        # state for external cmd_vel (keyboard or other node)
123        # get velocity data from ROS /cmd_vel topic, please use: rostopic pub -r 100 /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist "..." but send via keyboard node
124        rosLinearVelo = myROSInterface.cmd_vel.linear
125        rosAngularVelo = myROSInterface.cmd_vel.angular
126        v = [rosLinearVelo.x, rosLinearVelo.y, rosAngularVelo.z]
127    else:
128        # print('no valid control string received')
129        v = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
130        TArm = None
131        grasp = None
132    return v, TArm, grasp, myState, myDict
134# set simulation system
135SC = exu.SystemContainer()
136mbs = SC.AddSystem()
137# function to simulate the mobile manipulator
138def SimulationMobileRobot(funcStatMachine,myROSInterface, p0=[0,0], theta0=0, flagFixObject=False, flagOnlyGrasp=False, verboseMode = 0, sensorWriteToFile = False):
139    compensateStaticTorques = False
140    mobRobSolutionPath = 'solution/'
141    hstepsize = 5e-3 # step size
142    tEnd = 100 # simulation time
143    comShift=[0,0,-0.1]
144    debugPlatformOffset = 125*9.81 /10**(6)
145    constrainedAxesSet=[0,0,0,0,0,0]
146    offsetUserFunctionParametersSet=[0,0,0,0,0,0]
147    debugOffsetNumber= debugPlatformOffset
149    #ground body and marker
150    gGround = graphics.CheckerBoard(point = [0,0,0], size=8, nTiles = 12) # (centerPoint=[4,4,-0.001],size=[12,12,0.002], color=graphics.color.lightgrey[0:3]+[0.5])
151    graphicsGroundList =[gGround]
152    coordinateSystemGround = False
153    if coordinateSystemGround:
154        graphicsGroundList += [graphics.Cylinder([0,0,0], [0.5,0,0], 0.0035,]            # base coordinate system x
155        graphicsGroundList +=[graphics.Cylinder([0,0,0], [0,0.5,0], 0.0035,]          # base coordinate system y
156        graphicsGroundList +=[graphics.Cylinder([0,0,0], [0,0,0.5], 0.0035,]           # base coordinate system z
157    oGround = mbs.AddObject(ObjectGround(visualization=VObjectGround(graphicsData=graphicsGroundList)))
158    markerGround = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyRigid(bodyNumber=oGround, localPosition=[0,0,0]))
159    comShiftPlatform = [0,0,0]
161    # define mobile manipulator KAIROS
162    mobileRobot = { 'gravity':                  [0,0,-9.81],                # gravity in m/s^2
163                    'platformDimensions':       [0.575, 0.718 , 0.2495],    # [width, length, hight]   [0.575, 0.718 , 0.495]
164                    'platformMass':             125-18.4,                   # platform mass- manipulator mass
165                    'platformInitialPose':      HTtranslate([p0[0],p0[1],(0.495+(-0.12))]) @ HTrotateZ(theta0),  # platform initial pose as HT middle of platform (box representation)
166                    'platformInitialOmega':     [0,0,0],                # platform initial rotational velocity around x,y,z axis
167                    'platformInitialVelocity':  [0,0,0],                # platform initial translational velocity in x,y,z direction
168                    'platformCOM':              comShift,               # center of mass shift to base coordinate system
169                    'comShiftPlatform':         comShiftPlatform,       # the shift of the platform alone
170                    'platformBaseCoordinate':   [0.0 ,0.0 ,0.0],        # geometric center  in middle of platform
171                    'platformInertia':          InertiaCuboid,          # platform inertia w.r.t. COM!
172                    'platformRepresentation':   'box',                  # 'box' or 'stl' graphical representation of the mobile platform
173                    'platformStlFile':          'ROSbodykairos.stl',    # path to the used stl file
174                    'friction':                 [1 ,0.0, 0.0],          # [dryFriction1, dryFriction2,rollFriction]= [0.4,0.0075,0.05] for LeoBot (Master Thesis Manzl)
175                    'viscousFrictionWheel':     [0.1, 0.1],             # orthotropic damping in the rotated roller frame; see also Exudyn documentation of
176                    'frictionAngle':            np.pi/4 ,               # friction angle theta=pi/4 for mecanum wheel, theta=0 for standard wheel
177                    'wheelType':                0,                      # 0=wheelType wheel o-config, 1=mecanum wheel x-config, 2=standard wheel  (always in bottom view)
178                    'wheelBase':                0.430,                  # distance between center of wheels (wheel axes) between front and back
179                    'wheelTrack':               0.390,                  # distance between center of wheels between left and right
180                    'wheelRoh':                 200*8,                  # density of wheel in kg/m^3
181                    'wheelRadius':              0.254/2,                # radius of wheel in m
182                    'wheelWidth':               0.1,                    # width of wheel in m, just for graphics
183                    'wheelMass':                8,                      # Mass of one mecanum wheel, leobot measured
184                    'wheelInertia':             InertiaCylinder,        # inertia for infinitely small ring:
185                    'wheelNumbers':             4,                      # number of wheels on platform
186                    'wheelContactStiffness':    10**(6),
187                    'wheelContactDamping':      50*np.sqrt(10**(5)),
188                    'serialRobotMountpoint':    HTtranslate([0.178 , 0, 0.12]),
189                    'proportionalZone':         1e-2,                   # friction regularization
190                    'debugOffset':              debugOffsetNumber
191                    }
193    #################### Build mobile robot and add it to existing mbs
194    mobileRobotBackDic = mobile.MobileRobot2MBS(mbs, mobileRobot, markerGround)
195    mbs.variables['mobileRobotBackDic'] = mobileRobotBackDic # to be able to use all variables in all functions (make it global useable)
196    # add mbs.variable for ROS sensor
197    mbs.variables['nodeNumber'] = mobileRobotBackDic['nPlatformList'][0] # just needed if nodeNumber is used for sensor information
198    # for shorter writing:
199    Lx = mobileRobot['wheelTrack']
200    Ly = mobileRobot['wheelBase']
201    R = mobileRobot['wheelRadius']
202    #initialize mobile platform kinematics
203    platformKinematics = mobile.MobileKinematics(R,Lx,Ly,wheeltype=0)
205    def UFoffset(mbs,t,itemIndex,offsetUserFunctionParameters):
206        return offsetUserFunctionParameters
207    mbs.SetObjectParameter(mobileRobotBackDic['oPlatformList'][0],'offsetUserFunctionParameters',offsetUserFunctionParametersSet)
208    mbs.SetObjectParameter(mobileRobotBackDic['oPlatformList'][0],'offsetUserFunction',UFoffset)
209    mbs.SetObjectParameter(mobileRobotBackDic['oPlatformList'][0],'constrainedAxes',constrainedAxesSet)
210    ######################## Sensor data from mobile platform ###
211    WheelSpringDamper = [0]*4
212    MotorDataNode = [0]*4
213    cWheelBrakes = [0]*4
214    for i in range(4):
215        RM0 = mbs.GetObject(mobileRobotBackDic['oAxlesList'][i])['rotationMarker0']
216        RM1 = mbs.GetObject(mobileRobotBackDic['oAxlesList'][i])['rotationMarker1']
218    # wheel controller for KAIROS Platform
219        paramOpt = {'kMotor': 100, 'fact_dMotor': 0.5}
220        kWheelControl = paramOpt['kMotor']
221        dWheelControl = kWheelControl * paramOpt['fact_dMotor']
222        MotorDataNode[i] = mbs.AddNode(NodeGenericData(numberOfDataCoordinates = 1, initialCoordinates=[0]))
223        WheelSpringDamper[i] = mbs.AddObject(TorsionalSpringDamper(name='Wheel{}Motor'.format(i),
224                                            markerNumbers=[mobileRobotBackDic['mAxlesList'][i], mobileRobotBackDic['mWheelsList'][i]],
225                                            nodeNumber= MotorDataNode[i], # for continuous Rotation
226                                            stiffness = kWheelControl, damping =  dWheelControl, offset = 0,
227                                            rotationMarker0=RM0,
228                                            rotationMarker1=RM1))
229        cWheelBrakes[i] = mbs.AddObject(GenericJoint(markerNumbers=
230                                                [mobileRobotBackDic['mAxlesList'][i], mobileRobotBackDic['mWheelsList'][i]],
231                                                constrainedAxes = [0]*6,
232                                                rotationMarker0=RM0,
233                                                rotationMarker1=RM1,
234                                                ))
235        mbs.variables['flagBrakeActive'] = False
237    # wheel user function
238    mbs.variables['signWheels'] = [-1,1,1,-1]
239    mbs.variables['t0'] = 0
240    mbs.variables['phiWheel'] = [0,0,0,0]
241    vMax = 3.0
242    wMax = vMax / mobileRobot['wheelRadius'] # m/s
243    mbs.variables['wHistory'] = [[],[],[],[]] # for debug
244    def PreStepUFWheel(mbs, t, w= [0,0,0,0]):
245        if t == 0:
246            return True
247        dt =  mbs.sys['dynamicSolver'].it.currentStepSize
248        dwMax = wMax * dt
250        if debugFlag: print('dwMax = ', dwMax)
252        for i in range(4):
253            wOld = mbs.GetObjectParameter(WheelSpringDamper[i], 'velocityOffset')
254            if w[i] > wOld + dwMax:
255                w[i] = wOld + dwMax
256            elif w[i] < wOld - dwMax:
257                w[i] = wOld - dwMax
258            mbs.variables['phiWheel'][i] += (t-mbs.variables['t0'])*w[i] #* mbs.variables['signWheels'][i]
259            mbs.SetObjectParameter(WheelSpringDamper[i], 'offset', mbs.variables['phiWheel'][i])
260            mbs.SetObjectParameter(WheelSpringDamper[i], 'velocityOffset', w[i])
261            mbs.variables['wHistory'][i] += [w[i]]
262            # mbs.SetObjectParameter(WheelSpringDamper[i], 'offset', SmoothStep(t, 0.5 , 2, 0, 1)*t * mbs.variables['signWheels'][i])
263        mbs.variables['t0'] = t
264        return True
265    sPlatformPosition = mbs.AddSensor(SensorMarker(name='platformpos',markerNumber=mobileRobotBackDic['mPlatformList'][-1],
266                                                        fileName=mobRobSolutionPath + '/rollingDiscCarPos.txt',
267                                                        outputVariableType = exu.OutputVariableType.Position, writeToFile = sensorWriteToFile,storeInternal=True))
268    sPlatformVelocity = mbs.AddSensor(SensorMarker(name='platformvelo',markerNumber=mobileRobotBackDic['mPlatformList'][-1],
269                                                        fileName=mobRobSolutionPath + '/rollingDiscCarVel.txt',
270                                                        outputVariableType = exu.OutputVariableType.Velocity, writeToFile = sensorWriteToFile,storeInternal=True))
271    sPlatformOrientation = mbs.AddSensor(SensorBody(name='platformRot',bodyNumber=mobileRobotBackDic['bPlatformList'][0],
272                                                        fileName=mobRobSolutionPath + '/rollingDiscCarOrientation.txt',
273                                                        outputVariableType = exu.OutputVariableType.Rotation , writeToFile = sensorWriteToFile))
274    mbs.variables['sensorList'] = [sPlatformPosition, sPlatformOrientation]
275    # ad manipulator to model
276    if 1:
277        mode='newDH'
278        qOffset = [-np.pi * 1/4, 0,0,0,0,0]
279        q0 = [-3*np.pi/4, np.pi - 1e-15  , np.pi*1.5/2 ,0- 1e-15 ,0- 1e-15 ,0- 1e-15 ] #zero angle configuration
280        tx = 0.03
281        zOff = -0.2
282        toolSize= [tx*0.5, 0.06,0.12]
283        r6 = 0.04
284        graphicsToolList = []
285        graphicsToolList += [graphics.Cylinder(pAxis=[0,0,zOff], vAxis= [0,0,np.abs(zOff)*0.8], radius=r6,]
286        graphicsToolList+= [graphics.Brick([ tx,0, 0], toolSize, graphics.color.grey)]
287        graphicsToolList+= [graphics.Brick([-tx,0, 0], toolSize, graphics.color.grey)]
288        graphicsToolList+= [graphics.Brick([0,0, -0.05], [tx*5,0.09,0.04], graphics.color.grey)]
289        graphicsToolList += [graphics.Basis(length=0.2)]
290        basePoseHT=mobileRobot['platformInitialPose'] @ mobileRobot['serialRobotMountpoint'] @ HTrotateZ(qOffset[0]) #robot base position and orientation
292        # manipulator input with included function from exudyn robotics models
293        myRobotList = ManipulatorUR5()
294        robot = Robot(gravity=[0,0,-9.81],
295            base = RobotBase(HT=basePoseHT), #visualization=VRobotBase(graphicsData=graphicsBaseList)),
296            tool = RobotTool(HT=HTtranslate([0,0,0.155]), #  @ HTrotateZ(np.pi/2),
297                            visualization=VRobotTool(graphicsData=graphicsToolList)),
298            referenceConfiguration = q0) #referenceConfiguration created with 0s automatically
299        robot = LinkDict2Robot(myRobotList, robotClass=robot)
300        #control parameters, per joint:
301        fc=0.5
302        Pcontrol = np.array([4000, 4000, 4000, 100, 100, 100])
303        Dcontrol = np.array([60,   60,   60,   6,   6,   0.6])
304        Pcontrol = fc*Pcontrol
305        Dcontrol = fc*Dcontrol
307        # change predefined control parameters
308        for i in range(robot.NumberOfLinks()):
309            robot.links[i].PDcontrol = (Pcontrol[i], Dcontrol[i])
310        #trajectory generated with optimal acceleration profiles:
311        trajectory = Trajectory(initialCoordinates=q0, initialTime=0)
312        trajectory.Add(ProfileConstantAcceleration(q0,0.5))
313        jointList = [0]*robot.NumberOfLinks() #this list must be filled afterwards with the joint numbers in the mbs!
314        def ComputeMBSstaticRobotTorques(robot):
315            q=[]
316            for joint in jointList:
317                q += [mbs.GetObjectOutput(joint, exu.OutputVariableType.Rotation)[2]] #z-rotation
318            HT=robot.JointHT(np.array(q)+qOffset)
319            return robot.StaticTorques(HT)
321        #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
322        #base, graphics, object and marker:
323        #baseMarker; could also be a moving base according to doc but found no examples!
324        baseMarker = mobileRobotBackDic['mPlatformList'][-1] # mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyRigid(bodyNumber=objectGround, localPosition=[0,0,0]))
325        sArmTorque = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
327        #++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
328        #build mbs robot model:
330        robotDict = robot.CreateRedundantCoordinateMBS(mbs, baseMarker=baseMarker)
331        jointList = robotDict['jointList'] #must be stored there for the load user function
332        torsionalSDlist = robotDict['springDamperList']
334        for i in range(len(robotDict['springDamperList'])):
335            sArmTorque[i] = mbs.AddSensor(SensorObject(objectNumber= robotDict['springDamperList'][i],
336                                        fileName=mobRobSolutionPath+ '/ArmMotorTorque'+str(i) + '.txt',
337                                        outputVariableType = exu.OutputVariableType.TorqueLocal, writeToFile=sensorWriteToFile))
338            # mbs.SetObjectParameter(torsionalSDlist[i], 'offset', q0[i] + qOffset[i])
339        mEndeffektor = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyRigid(name='Endeffektor', bodyNumber=robotDict['bodyList'][-1], localPosition=[0,0,0.157]))
340        sEndeffektor = mbs.AddSensor(SensorMarker(markerNumber=mEndeffektor, writeToFile=False, outputVariableType=exu.OutputVariableType.Position))
341        # robotics toolbox by Peter Corke
342        UR5_rtb = rtb.models.DH.UR5()
343        UR5_rtb.tool = SE3([0,0,0.2])
344        def getNewTraj(TArm, qLast):
345            vm = [np.pi * 1.1/2]*6
346            am = [5 * 0.6]*6
347            nAttempts = 10
348            qNew = UR5_rtb.ikine_LM(TArm, q0 = qLast) # , q0=qLast-qOffset)
349            iAttempt = 1
350            if not(qNew.success):
351                for iAttempt in range(1, nAttempts):
352                    # randomize initial angles to try to get a solution for the inverse kinematics
353                    qNew = UR5_rtb.ikine_LM(TArm, q0 = (np.random.random(6)-1)*np.pi*2) # , q0=qLast-qOffset)
354                    if qNew.success:
355                        break
356                if not(qNew.success):
357                    print('Inverse Kinematics could not be solved after {} attempts. \nPlease check if the given Pose \n{}\nis in the workspace.'.format(iAttempt, TArm))
358                    return None, None
359            teMax = 0
360            qNew = qNew.q # - qOffset
361            for i in range(len(qNew)):
362                te = abs(qNew[i] - qLast[i])/vm[i] + vm[i]/am[i]
363                if te > teMax:
364                    teMax = te
365            print('Planned new PTP motion after {} attempts from:\n{}\nto\n{}\nin {}s. '.format(iAttempt, np.round(qLast, 2), np.round(qNew, 2), np.round(teMax, 2)))
366            # qNew[1] += np.pi*2
367            return qNew, teMax
369        def activateBrakes(cJoints, oTSD, flag):
370            for i in range(len(cJoints)):
371                # mbs.SetObjectParameter(cJoints[i], 'constrainedAxes', [0,0,0,0,0,1*bool(flag)])
372                if flag: # deactivate motors
373                    mbs.SetObjectParameter(oTSD[i], 'stiffness', 100)
374                    mbs.SetObjectParameter(oTSD[i], 'damping', 5)
375                else:
376                    mbs.SetObjectParameter(oTSD[i], 'stiffness', kWheelControl)
377                    mbs.SetObjectParameter(oTSD[i], 'damping', dWheelControl)
379            print('un'*bool(not(flag)) + 'locking wheels')
380            return True
382        hObj = 0.08
383        xTable, yTable, hTable = 0.2, 0.4, 0.645
384        if flagFixObject:
385            PosObj = [3.0,1.0, hTable + hObj/2] # for testing of grasp
386        else:
387            PosObj = (np.random.rand(3)-0.5) * [0.4,0.8,0] + [1.5 ,0, hTable + hObj/2]
389        graphicsTarget = graphics.Cylinder(pAxis = [0,0,-hObj/2], vAxis = [0,0,hObj ], radius = 0.02, color=graphics.color.lightgreen)
390        inertiaTarget = InertiaCylinder(500, hObj , 0.02, 2)
391        nObj, bObj = AddRigidBody(mainSys = mbs,
392                    inertia = inertiaTarget,
393                    nodeType = str(exu.NodeType.RotationEulerParameters),
394                    position = PosObj,
395                    rotationMatrix = np.eye(3),
396                    angularVelocity =  [0,0,0],
397                    velocity= [0,0,0],
398                    gravity = [0,0,0],
399                    graphicsDataList = [graphicsTarget])
400        mObj = mbs.AddMarker(MarkerBodyRigid(bodyNumber=bObj))
401        cGrasp = mbs.AddObject(RigidBodySpringDamper(markerNumbers=[mEndeffektor, mObj], stiffness = np.eye(6)*1e3, damping = np.eye(6)*1e2,
402                                                    visualization={'show': False, 'drawSize': -1, 'color': [0]*4}, activeConnector=False))
403        graphicsTable = graphics.Brick(centerPoint = [0,0,0], size = [xTable, yTable, hTable], color=graphics.color.darkgrey2)
405        nTable, bTable = AddRigidBody(mainSys = mbs,
406                        inertia = inertiaTarget,
407                        nodeType = str(exu.NodeType.RotationEulerParameters),
408                        position = list(PosObj[0:2]) + [hTable/2],
409                        rotationMatrix = np.eye(3),
410                        angularVelocity =  [0,0,0],
411                        velocity= [0,0,0],
412                        gravity = [0,0,0],
413                        graphicsDataList = [graphicsTable])
415        mbs.variables['myDict'] = {}
417        #prestep user functions
418        for i in range(6):
419            mbs.variables['qDebug{}'.format(i)] = []
420        mbs.variables['state'] = 0
421        mbs.variables['trajectory'] = trajectory
422        #user function which is called only once per step, speeds up simulation drastically
424        def PreStepUF(mbs, t):
425            if compensateStaticTorques:
426                staticTorques = ComputeMBSstaticRobotTorques(robot)
427            else:
428                staticTorques = np.zeros(len(jointList))
430            PosPlatform =  mbs.GetSensorValues(mbs.variables['sensorList'][0]) - [0.178, 0 , 0 ]#mbs.variables['sensorRecord{}'.format(mbs.variables['sensorRecorders'][0])]
431            ThetaPlatform = mbs.GetSensorValues(mbs.variables['sensorList'][1])[-1]
433            phi = np.zeros(len(robot.links))
434            for i in range(len(robot.links)):
435                    phi[i] = mbs.GetObjectOutput(jointList[i], exu.OutputVariableType.Rotation)[2] #z-rotation
437            if t > mbs.variables['trajectory'][-1]['finalTime']:
438                armStatus = 1 # current trajectory finished
439            else:
440                armStatus = 0
442            # here functionstatemachine in preStepUserFunction call
443            vel, TArm, grasp, mbs.variables['state'], mbs.variables['myDict'] = funcStatMachine(t, PosPlatform, ThetaPlatform,
444                                                    PosObj, armStatus, mbs.variables['state'], mbs.variables['myDict'])
445            if type(TArm) == np.ndarray:
446                TArm = SE3(TArm)
447            if mbs.variables['state'] == -1:
448                mbs.SetRenderEngineStopFlag(True)
449                print('finished Statemachine. ')
451            # platform kinematics calculation
452            w = platformKinematics.GetWheelVelocities(vel)
454            if TArm != None:
455                lastTraj = mbs.variables['trajectory'][-1]
456                qLast = lastTraj['coordinateSets'][-1] # the last desired joint angles
457                tLast = lastTraj['finalTime'] #
458                qNew, Ttraj = getNewTraj(TArm, qLast)
459                if type(qNew) != type(None):
460                    mbs.variables['trajectory'].Add(ProfileConstantAcceleration(qLast,t-tLast+0.1))
461                    mbs.variables['trajectory'].Add(ProfileConstantAcceleration(qNew,Ttraj))
462                # print('\n\nTTraj is: \n{}\n\n'.format(np.round(Tj, 3)))
464            if grasp:
465                pEE = mbs.GetSensorValues(sEndeffektor)
466                distanceGrasp = pEE - PosObj - [0,0,0]
467                # print('distance grasp = ', distanceGrasp)
468                if np.linalg.norm(distanceGrasp) < 0.1: # distance of grasp to
469                    print('grasp successful!')
470                    # activate constraint for grasp
471                    RotEE = mbs.GetNodeOutput(robotDict['nodeList'][-1], exu.OutputVariableType.RotationMatrix).reshape([3,3])
472                    mbs.SetObjectParameter(cGrasp, 'rotationMarker1', RotEE)
473                    # mbs.SetObjectParameter(cGrasp, '', RotEE) # position
475                    # mbs.SetObjectParameter(cGrasp, 'constrainedAxes', [1]*6)
476                    # mbs.SetObjectParameter(cGrasp, '', [1]*6)
477                    mbs.SetObjectParameter(cGrasp, 'activeConnector', True)
478                    offset_local = list(RotEE @ distanceGrasp)
479                    offset_local[1] = 0
480                    mbs.SetObjectParameter(cGrasp, 'offset', offset_local + [0,0,0]) # list(RotEE @ distanceGrasp) + [0,0,-hObj*0])
481                else:
482                    print('grasping the object was not successful. Calculated distacne = {}'.format(np.round(distanceGrasp, 3)))
483            [u,v,a] = mbs.variables['trajectory'].Evaluate(t)
484            for i in range(len(robot.links)):
485                tsd = torsionalSDlist[i]
486                mbs.SetObjectParameter(tsd, 'offset', u[i] + qOffset[i])
487                mbs.SetObjectParameter(tsd, 'velocityOffset', v[i])
488                mbs.SetObjectParameter(tsd, 'torque', staticTorques[i]) #additional torque from given velocity
489            # send velocity data to ROS
490            myROSInterface.PublishTwistUpdate(mbs,t)
491            # send position data to ROS
492            myROSInterface.PublishPoseUpdate(mbs,t)
493            PreStepUFWheel(mbs, t, w)
495            if np.linalg.norm(w) < 1e-5 and t > 0.5:
496                if not(mbs.variables['flagBrakeActive']):
497                    activateBrakes(cWheelBrakes, WheelSpringDamper, True)
498                    mbs.variables['flagBrakeActive'] = True
499            else:
500                if mbs.variables['flagBrakeActive']:
501                    activateBrakes(cWheelBrakes, WheelSpringDamper, False)
502                    mbs.variables['flagBrakeActive'] = False
504            return True
506    mbs.SetPreStepUserFunction(PreStepUF)
507    SC.visualizationSettings.interactive.trackMarker = mobileRobotBackDic['mPlatformList'][0]
508    # start simulation:
509    mbs.Assemble()
510    PreStepUF(mbs, 0)
512    SC.visualizationSettings.connectors.showJointAxes = True
513    SC.visualizationSettings.connectors.jointAxesLength = 0.02
514    SC.visualizationSettings.connectors.jointAxesRadius = 0.002
515    SC.visualizationSettings.nodes.showBasis = True
516    SC.visualizationSettings.nodes.basisSize = 0.1
517 = False
518    SC.visualizationSettings.openGL.multiSampling=4
519    SC.visualizationSettings.openGL.shadow = 0.5
520    SC.visualizationSettings.openGL.light0position = [0, -2, 10, 0]
521    SC.visualizationSettings.openGL.shadowPolygonOffset = 0.1
522    #mbs.WaitForUserToContinue()
524    simulationSettings = exu.SimulationSettings() #takes currently set values or default values
525    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.numberOfSteps = int(tEnd/hstepsize)
526    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.endTime = tEnd
527    simulationSettings.solutionSettings.solutionWritePeriod = hstepsize #0.005
528    simulationSettings.solutionSettings.sensorsWritePeriod = hstepsize # 0.005
529    simulationSettings.solutionSettings.binarySolutionFile = False
530    simulationSettings.solutionSettings.writeSolutionToFile = False
532    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.simulateInRealtime = True
533    #simulationSettings.timeIntegration.realtimeFactor = 0.25
534    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.verboseMode = verboseMode
535    #simulationSettings.timeIntegration.newton.useModifiedNewton = True
536    #simulationSettings.timeIntegration.generalizedAlpha.useIndex2Constraints = True
537    #simulationSettings.timeIntegration.generalizedAlpha.useNewmark = simulationSettings.timeIntegration.generalizedAlpha.useIndex2Constraints
538    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.newton.useModifiedNewton = True
539    #simulationSettings.timeIntegration.generalizedAlpha.spectralRadius = 0.5 # 0.25
540    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.discontinuous.maxIterations = 3
541    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.adaptiveStepRecoveryIterations = 10
542    simulationSettings.timeIntegration.generalizedAlpha.computeInitialAccelerations= True # False
544    simulationSettings.displayComputationTime = True
545    simulationSettings.displayStatistics = True
546    #simulationSettings.linearSolverType = exu.LinearSolverType.EigenSpars
549    SC.visualizationSettings.general.autoFitScene=False
550    SC.visualizationSettings.general.renderWindowString = 'Mobile Robot Simulation'
551    SC.visualizationSettings.window.renderWindowSize=[1920,1200]
552    SC.visualizationSettings.window.startupTimeout=5000
553    SC.visualizationSettings.interactive.selectionLeftMouse = False
554    SC.visualizationSettings.interactive.selectionRightMouse = False
556    SC.visualizationSettings.openGL.initialModelRotation =RotationMatrixZ(-0.2) @ RotationMatrixX(np.pi/2.7)  #
557    SC.visualizationSettings.openGL.initialZoom = 1.5
558    SC.visualizationSettings.openGL.initialCenterPoint = [0, 2, 0] # -1.7, -2, -2]
559    # SC.visualizationSettings.contour.outputVariable = exu.OutputVariableType.Displacement
560    # SC.visualizationSettings.contour.outputVariableComponent = 2 #0=x, 1=y, 2=z
561    exu.StartRenderer()
562    mbs.WaitForUserToContinue()
563    exu.SolveDynamic(mbs, simulationSettings, showHints=True, storeSolver = True)
564    #mbs.WaitForRenderEngineStopFlag()
565    exu.StopRenderer()
567    # for debug
568    if debugFlag:
569        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
570        for i in range(4):
571            plt.plot(mbs.variables['wHistory'][i], label='wheel ' + str(i+1))
572        plt.legend()
574        mbs.PlotSensor(sensorNumbers=[sPlatformPosition], components=[0,1,2], labels=['x(m); ','y','z'], colorCodeOffset=2, closeAll=False)
575        mbs.PlotSensor(sensorNumbers=[sPlatformVelocity], components=[0,1,2], labels=['vx(m); ','vy','vz'], colorCodeOffset=2, closeAll=False)
576    return mbs
578# main function
579if __name__ == '__main__':
580    if not(checkInstall('exudyn')):
581        print('Error! Simulation can not be started!')
582        import sys
583        sys.exit()
585    print('Starting Simulation...')
586    # initialize ROS interface from own subclass
587    myROSInterface = MyExudynROSInterface()
588    # start simulation
589    SimulationMobileRobot(functionStateMachine,myROSInterface,p0=[0,0],flagFixObject=True)